
Displaying 101 - 110 of 50862
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… said Eschivat shall send their special messengers to the church of Le Puy to enquire what manner of dues and services … the counts of Bigorre have been accustomed to make to that church, the said homage remaining to the king and his heirs. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… presentment against the abbot of Deulacres touching the church of Sambage, and on behalf of the abbot answer was made … earl of Chester, who conferred the advowson of the said church on the said abbot and convent deraigned the said … upon this, because no one was ever presented to the said church after the said earl deraigned the advowson, until now …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to put Adam de Aston or his proctor in possession of the church of St. Mary, Lunday, the king having granted it to him … bishop of Ely, the king will present the said Roger to the church if any which the said Master William has belonging to … Maurelio pro anima Willelmi comitis de Bolonia, cujus corpus jacet in prefata domo, decem marcatas terre in villa …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and it is commanded to the canons and servants of the said church to be obedient to the said Henry. And he has letters … Protection for Peter Ern[aldi], chaplain, for his church of Joces, his men, goods, rents and possessions. … As many evils happened to the king in the war through the church of La Reole, which was held against the king as a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Presentation of Ralph de Dungun, king's clerk, to the church of Waleton, with the consent of Edward the king's son, … gift together with the collations of the prebends of the church of Tettenhale. Jan. 13. Westminster. Bond to Alan le … 50 marks for the profit of the said counties,and for the corpus he shall answer as he ought. Exemption for life of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… his will. Presentation of Artaud de Sancto Romano to the church of Wutton; directed to the bishop of Lincoln. Simple … Presentation of Robert de Radinges, king's clerk, to the church of Horeburn, in the king's gift by reason of his … the castle of Scardeburg with all things pertaining to the corpus of the castle, at his own cost. Mandate to John de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the prebend which A. bishop elect of Winchester had in the church of York; directed to the dean and chapter. Simple … during pleasure, to Ellis de Rabayn of the keeping of the corpus of the castle of Corfe, saving to the king the warren, … the walls; so that he receive for the keeping of the said corpus 20 l. a year. Appointment, during pleasure, of Henry …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Winchester, and A. the prior, and the convent of the said church, peace and concord between the said elect, of the one … setting forth that he has sold to Stephen, parson of the church of Eseling, his whole messuage with the houses …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… clerk, provost of Beverley, of the treasurership of the church of York, with the prebend annexed thereto, void by the … prebend late of John Maunsell, provost of Beverley, in the church of York, void by the cession of the latter, and in the … except a hamlet commonly called Podeho, and of the church of Honiburne with its appurtenances as well in Podeho …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 50862