
Displaying 11 - 20 of 21554
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the custody during the minority of the heirs, of the land and heirs of John son of Aldulf de Gatesden, with the … king's kinsman, coming to England to speak with the king; and for those with him. Dec. 21. Clarendon. Protection for … appointment of him also to buy wines for the king's use, and to take the king's prises of wines which come in the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the writ patent sent to the king on behalf of the abbot and convent of Bec. To H. king of England &c., his lord, H. abbot of Bec and the convent of the same place. As it frequently happens … or the king's justices or other bailiffs touching lands and possessions in England, in order that by their default, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Epiphany,to receive justice from the men of Dax and to do what is just to them. In like manner it is … a peace or truce with the king of France without the other,and yet the count, unmindful of his oath,has joined the king … his stay in Gascony,doing his utmost to grieve his enemies and to re-establish his position,and begs the emperor to have …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Mandate to Drogo de Barentin, Philip de Kateret ( sic) and William de Sautmareys the elder to take the assises of the islands of Gereseye, Gernereye and the other islands, which are accustomed to be taken once … of the appointment of Master Roger de Cantilupo and Master Erard de Fonte Bethonis, conjointly or severally, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the morrow of St. Andrew at Westminster between the king and earl Richard his brother touching all the demands and rights which the earl says he has in all lands, castles, … of Winchester to exercise the episcopal office, neither to lodge him nor permit him to be lodged by any lay person, nor …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… in the king's gift by reason of the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield being in the king's hands, with mandate to … like is written to the official of B. elect of Canterbury. And he has letters patent thereof. The like is written to the … of Chester, Henry de Alditheleg, Walerand Teutonicus, and Hubert Hoese to make a truce with D. son of Llewelin, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… made with the king to have the wardship of the land and heirs of John de Pabbeham. Pardon to Robert de Ho of the … in the king's service. Licence for the chapter of Wells and the prior and convent of Bath to elect a bishop. Grant to Eustace son …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… yearly fee, of the manors of Gerdele, Blowenham, Limminge and Lydgate with wards, escheats and advowsons of churches if any fall in by reason of the … Henry de Hastinges, with the garden and appurtenances, to lodge in, during the minority of the heir. By K. Licence for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… lands which the king granted to him with Senchia his wife, and for his brother, William de Valencia, in other 500 l. … in 200 l. yearly before he provides for anyone else. By K. And this letter was duplicated. Oct. 29. Windsor. Notification to all justices and ministers of the forest and others that Geoffrey de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… or recognitions. 1252. Dec. 29. Chawton. The subprior and convent of St. Peter's, Gippewich, have licence to elect a prior, by Nicholas de Gippewico and Thomas de Nauelton, canons of that house, sent to the king, with letters of the bishop of Norwich and with their letters patents. 1253. Jan. 2. Guildford. …
Displaying 11 - 20 of 21554