
Displaying 101 - 110 of 76330
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… were done in the chamber of the said Master Rostand in the house of the bishop of Hereford, London, before these … sometime abbot of Bordesle, has lately left that house out of levity of mind, and carried away the seal of the house, they are not to lend him any money by that seal at the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Beger in 120 pounds of Bordeaux for two years' hire of his house in Bordeaux, where the king caused his engines to be … by Stephen Lungespe, seneschal of Gascony, that the house can be hired for 60 such pounds yearly, to be paid at … the king will let him have it saving the right of his crown. Protection with clause for him until his return. The …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the feodalities of prelates of the realm pertains to the crown, and L. bishop of Rochester is now drawing B. … to dwell in the abbey of Lacok or some other religious house, of 48 l. blank yearly out of the farm of the manor of … as fully as the said king held it except only pleas of the crown and of the forest of Mynty, they rendered 30 l. a year …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… John Maunsell treasurer of York, that he may fortify his house of Seggewik, co. Sussex, with ditches and a wall of … request to them, as they love the king's honour and the crown of England to go with Edward, the king's son, to the … de Langetoft and William de Bryneston, monks of that house. Dec. 8. Ely. The prioress and nuns of Berkynges have …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… town which are held without warrant, as is said, and a house upon the bridge of Gloucester, late of Walter de Turri, and shops near that bridge between the house of Hugh le Seynter and the house late of the said Walter, 13 d. of rent which the prior …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of St. Mary, York, of Simon de Warrewik, monk of that house, to be abbot thereof; with mandate to the dean and … of A. [bishop] elect of Winchester on deposit in their house, to permit 1400 marks to be taken by view and testimony … his fealty, on condition that it be not separated from the crown of England, and the said Edward proposes to give or …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… enquire touching trespasses done to Robert Agoylon in his house of Adinton; and let him send the inquisition made … William de Scamelisby and Roger Wastehose, servants of the house of the Temple of Cumbe broke a chest of the preceptor … and carried away a treasure therein, and came to his house in Ednedistun and ate there and he being ignorant of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Alice de Gavelacre and Margery de Merton, nuns of the said house, coming to the king with letters of the chapter … of Constance sacristan of Wherewell to be abbess of that house; with mandate to B. archbishop of Canterbury to do his … gold which the king lately caused to be laid up in their house under the seal of Robert Walerand as a pledge for a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… in his full county before the keepers of the pleas of the crown, that he killed him by misadventure. By H. le Bigod, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… commanded to take with him the keepers of the pleas of the crown of the county of Suffolk and enquire whether he struck …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 76330