
Displaying 101 - 110 of 13451
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… York. Writ of aid until Easter for Giles de Tholosa, king's yeoman, charged by the steward of the Household and the … Brondeston. William son of William le Malore of Houeden. Denis ( Dionisius) son of Denis de Wathe. John son of Ivo le Glover of Lincoln. William …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… held by Nicholas le Long, in the forest of Dene. By p. s. Feb. 3. Windsor. Grant to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, … and other necessaries for the sustenance of the king's lieges in garrison in the towns of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and … Marcanauth de Sene, going beyond the seas on the king's business. Jan. 26. Westminster. Signification to R. bishop …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… held in chief, to hold to him and his heirs. By fine of 20 s. Feb. 10. York. Writ of aid for Master Robert de Gasham, … Feb. 13. York. Presentation of William de Webbeley, king's clerk, to the church of Thlanebetheir, in the diocese of … David ap Yevan, Mereduk ap Lewelyn and Yevan Gogh. By p.s. and afterwards by K. Feb. 12. York. Laurence, prior of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… and 1 bovate of land in the same place. By fine of 20 s. Nov. 8. Westminster. Pardon to the society of the Bardi of … sent part thereof to Chalouns and part to Lombardy. By p.s. [5500.] Nov. 7. Westminster. Licence for the prioress and … tenements and rents to the value of 10 l. a year. By p.s. Vacated on surrender, the prioress and nuns having …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… church of Osmunderle, in the diocese of York, in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of the bishopric of … ad quod damnum taken by Master Richard de Clare, king's clerk, escheator beyond Trent, by Master Richard de … of the said church of Derhurst and of the church of St. Denis in France; and that by that feoffment the said John and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… de Bousser on complaint by Master Jordon Moraunt, king's clerk, parson of the church of Sabricheworth that William … of his away, and seized and imprisoned his servants. By p.s. June 10.Thundersley. Commission de walliis et fossatis to … offences within his bailiwick and to arrest them. By p.s. Schedulesecond membrane. June 6. Westminster. Commission …
1322-1323, membranes 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… church of Scoreburgh, in the diocese of York, in the king's gift by reason of the minority of the heir of Gerard … of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's custody. The letters of presentation are directed to W. … following going on the king's service with the said John: Denis Aleyn. Geoffrey de Uppesale. The like for Richard …
1322, membranes 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… so long as the manor of Teukesbury shall be in the king's custody, not to take or permit to be taken any goods, … of the city of London, after recital of the king's former grant and proceedings touching the mayoralty, that … said John, and by his testimony. Robert de Swynesbourne Denis Aleyn John Spileman going with William de la Zouche. By …
1323-1324, membranes 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… pastures adjacent thereto by homage and the service of 36 s. of silver a year for all secular services, customs, … held in chief, to hold to him and his heirs. By fine of 40 s. July 9.Faxfleet. Licence for William de Haselwell to … By C. July 18.Burstwick. Safe-conduct for one year for Denis de la Court, Simon le ( sic) Welles, Giles de Vilers, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… at Canterbury, co. Kent, and carried away goods. By p.s. MEMBRANE 22 d. July 8. Burstwick. Commission to William … by John, bishop of Ely, that, while he was under the king's protection, Master Robert de Ormesby, Master Robert de … Bousser, Henry de Cobham and Thomas Gegge on complaint by Denis de la Court, Simon de Belles, Giles de Vilers and …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 13451