
Displaying 121 - 130 of 62837
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Essex, for three years from Michaelmas. Aug. 20. Woodstock. Ralph de Heryun, of the same county. Philip de … of old oaks and brushwood. In the bailiwick of Bleys', 20 marks of underwood and beeches. With mandate to the … as his rights pertaining to the levy of his farm. Aug. 29. The like to John de Lexinton and the said William to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to him by other letters in Gascony. MEMBRANE 17. Jan. 20. Windsor. To the king of France. The king is sending to … at London on the quinzaine of Easter, 39 Henry III, and in 20 marks of his yearly fee due at Michaelmas in that year, to … or other bailiff of the king against his will. March 29. Blythburgh. Simple protection, without term, for the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… which could be demanded of him of the said issues. June 20. Guildford. Grant to Robert de Stafford that the execution … de Pokebrok of the county of Northampton; for a fine. June 20. Guildford. Exemption of William de Parkes [Parles in the … or other bailiff of the king against his will. June 29. Winchester. Whereas Robert de Sancto Johanne, with the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… or recognitions and from being made sheriff, &c. Jan. 20. Westminster. Exemption, at the instance of Ralph de … Ralph de Waldesef, going on pilgrimage to Santiago. Jan. 20. Westminster. Protection, with clause, for Master William … of the said countess quit of the said rent of 60 s. Jan. 29. Windsor. Grant to E. queen of England of the wardship of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to provide for him in the first wardship or escheat of 20 l. a year that falls in after the king has provided for … of the king's wardrobe in divers fairs in England, of 20 l. a year at the Exchequer for his maintenance in the … robbery of horses and robes and breach of the peace. Dec. 20. Westminster. Whereas when the king was lately in Gascony, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Suffolk. Jan. 7. Westminster. Adam de Brimton. 1257. Dec. 29. Westminster. Roger de Clifford. Hugh de Clifford. William …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the said houses, to let him have it without delay. [June 29. Reading] Mandate to all sheriffs, bailiffs and others … and carts to carry anything else. MEMBRANE 5 d. July 20. Woodstock. Grant, at the instance of the queen, to the … earl of Essex and Hereford. Master Ralph le Achatur. Oct. 29. Westminster. Ralph le Sauser. William Wisman. Stephen de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Jaen ( Jahenn'), envoy of the king of Castile, and 20 marks to deliver to the prior of Cornellana ( Cornelian'), … is going as an envoy of the king; until his return. June 29. Reading. Presentation of William Bichaut to the deanery … void ecclesiastical benefices of the king of the value of 20 marks a year. Whereas Ralph de Butlesden, sometime abbot …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and advowsons of churches, in lieu of his yearly fee of 20 marks which he used to receive at the Exchequer; so that … and marriage of the heirs. Grant to William de Valers of 20 marks a year at the Exchequer until the king provide for … the same in the next terms of their farm. MEMBRANE 8 May 29. Clarendon To the tenants of the abbey of St. Mary, York. …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 62837