
Displaying 51 - 60 of 16771
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… into this. MEMBRANE 6 d. Here the King crossed the sea to Dover. Aug. 8. Westminster. Mandate to the bailiffs and good …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Drew. Mandate to the barons and bailiffs of the port of Dover to find the envoys of the king of France a good ship to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Hastings, Winchelese, la Rye, Hithe, Romenal, Sandwich and Dover to be intendant to him. Commitment during pleasure to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Mandate to Robert de Glastonia, constable of the castle of Dover, to be counselling and aiding to him and to let him … Cinque Ports, and mandate to the barons and bailiffs of Dover to provide by his counsel two or three of the most … [St. Paul's, London.] Mandate to the barons of the port of Dover, requesting them when Edward the king's firstborn son …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… so that he deliver the issues thereof to the constable of Dover castle for the munition of that castle. Simple … de Monte Forti, to whom the king committed the castle of Dover, during pleasure, to munition it with victuals and … of Henry de Monte Forti, constable of the castle of Dover, has, at the petition of the king gone to the king of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… king's service, of the yearly fee which Stephen Hurcyn of Dover used to take of the king's gift at the Exchequer; and … Nottingham. Philip, sacristan of Waltham, and Richard de Dover, his fellow canon, coming to the king with letters … that day, for Richard de Grey, constable of the castle of Dover, with his household, coming to the king to Winchelese …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… or leave it for ports beyond seas except in the port of Dover, with the exception of merchants bringing wine or other … for it is his will that all shall pass through the port of Dover in the form which he handed to the persons whom he has …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… II. Patents of the Forty-eighth Year. MEMBRANE 3. Jan. 1. Dover. Pardon, at the instance of Hamo Pitte of Rumenale, to … below. Mandate to the mayor and barons of the port of Dover to be intendant to William de la Sale, appointed by … for 120 marks which they lent to Edmund the king's son at Dover when the said Edmund was in the munition of the castle …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… England, his household, harness and goods and landing at Dover or elsewhere in the realm. Mandate to the barons and … of the Cinque Ports not to hinder him in landing at Dover or elsewhere. Safe-conduct, until Easter, for John la … John de Everle, who was in the munition of the castle of Dover. Safe conduct, for one year, for the merchants of M. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Monte Forti the king's nephew, constable of the castle of Dover, to make distraint upon those from whom castle guard … and bailiffs in whose bailiwicks the castle guard rents of Dover are, to be of aid. Simple protection until Michaelmas … and security of peace, has committed to him the castles of Dover, Scardeburg, Baunb[orough], Nottingham and Corfe to be …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 16771