
Displaying 51 - 60 of 72960
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Robert to deliver them to brother William, warden of the house of Tarent, to the use of that house. Grant to Arnald Catellan of 5 marks a year at the … Grant also that as soon as the king can provide him with a house in the city of London, an escheat of the houses of Jews …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… keeper of the wardrobe, deposited a sum of money in his house to be delivered to none but John Lestrange and John de … without term for the abbot of Cumbermare, for himself, his house, his brethren and monks. Mandate to Fulk son of Warin, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… William de Spaldingwich and John de Hadleg, monks of that house, void by the resignation of William, the abbot. Mandate … Grant to Eufemia, abbess of Werewell, and the nuns of that house and their successors that their assarts and … of the church of Hoo ( Werburgelond), and warden of the house of the king's converts, London, and the converts, to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Bradeford and Walter de Poundelarch, monks of that house. Oct. 31. Guildford. Grant to Reinuc and Clarus, … de Bradeford, monk of Shireburn, to be abbot of that house; with mandate to the dean and chapter of Salisbury to … a fourth part of the tithe of all victuals of the king's house, so often, whenever and so long as the king may happen …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Henry the precentor and Walter de Rockele, monks of that house. MEMBRANE 8. Jan. 9. Westminster. Safe-conduct, until … R. de Solariis built a vaulted roof ( voltam) in a stone house of his, the building of which ceased through the said … of Roger, sacristan of Abbotesbiry, to be abbot of that house, with mandate to R. bishop of Salisbury, to do his part …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Meriston, nun of Lillechirch, to be prioress of that house ; with mandate to the bishop of Rochester to do his …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de la Ferere, nun of Shaftesbury, to be abbess of that house; with mandate to the dean and chapter of Salisbury to … de la Ferere, nun of Shaftesbiry, to be abbess of that house; with mandate to W. [bishop] elect of Salisbury, to do … ; and have acquittance of all things which they or their house-servants ( famuli) and servants can show to be theirs, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… king was bound to them, to wit, 300 marks to Arnald for a house bought of him at Saut, and 100 marks to Raymond which … canon of St. Peter's, Ipswich, to be prior of that house ; and mandate to W. bishop of Norwich, to do his part …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… subprior of St. Frideswide's, Oxford, to be prior of that house. Exemption for life of Geoffrey de Langele from being … the precentor and Richard de Lamburn, canon of that house. Mandate to Henry de Wengham or his substitute, … Cherbourg to send a ship to England for victuals for his house, paying the right and due customs. June 14. Reading. …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 72960