
Displaying 671 - 680 of 22418
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… house of Guise, who would fain have the crown brought to election, lest the King and his brother dying without issue, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Horne, deceased. [ Warrant Book I., p. 86. Bishop Watson's election took place 29 June 1580.] May ? 16. to Sec. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… There is nothing of importance here, but the Polish King's election, and by the time the bearer reaches England, the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… to go to Rome, to congratulate the new Pope as soon as the election is known, and to do the homage for Naples. He has a …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1678
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
Displaying 671 - 680 of 22418