
Displaying 151 - 160 of 55573
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Wyleby master of the hospital of St. John without the east gate of Oxford, of the keeping of the same place as … castles and lands of Peter de Sabaudia in the counties of Essex, Hertford, Norfolk, Lincoln, Nottingham and York, to be … reclaim of the king and his heirs, the towns of Teforrd co. Norfolk, and Seford, co. Sussex, which are of his …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… William, son of Peter de Langeham, who was killed at Thy, co Rutland, and because of this were taken and detained in … to extend the said lands in the counties of Middlesex, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Buckingham, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… king's brother, Humphrey le Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, Philip Basset, justiciary of England, Hugh le Bigod, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… all such lands, farms and wards in the counties of Kent, Essex, Buckingham, Northampton, Warwick, Oxford, Southampton, … barons, to Joan de Valencia of the manors of Bampton, co. Oxford, Colingburn, co. Wilts, Dunham, co. Nottingham, … appointed Master Robert de Scardeburg, archdeacon of the East Riding, and John de Raygate to collect and keep the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Foliot and his heirs, to enclose his manor of Grimeston, co. Nottingham, with a ditch and wall of stone and lime and … cat and the badger in the king's forests in the county of Essex. March 15. Oxford. Protection without clause, until … of his manor ( mansum manerii sui) of Duddeleg, co. Stafford, and of Welegh, co. Worcester, with a ditch and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… came to the park of G. archbishop of York, of Beverle, co. York, broke it and threw down the dikes, and took and … said castle. Mandate to the commonalty of the county of Essex to keep the port of Herwic against the invasion of … and Huntingdon, if any of his men assembled at Erewell, co. Suffolk, have not his expenses from the common fund of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… without the Tower of London. with the land of Reynham co. Kent, and the land of Red, co. Hertford, and all other things belonging to it, to hold … and Richard de Montfichet, steward of the forest of Essex, who says that the keeping of the said houses and the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… John in the matter of the manors of Merston and La Grave, co. Buckingham. Dec. 15. Worcester. To Hamo Lestrange, John … de Borham, and Robert de Ros to enquire by jurors of Essex and Hertford touching malefactors and plunderers in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… him and his heirs a market at his manor of Fynchinggefeld, co. Essex, every Friday, and a fair every year on the eve, day … his heirs free warren in their demesne lands of Farnham, co. Essex, Stockele and Bricstoken, co. Devon, and Wadefast …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Giffard the younger of a carucate of land in Bekkebroc, co. Oxford, late of Jacob son of Mosseus de London, a Jew, … as above, to Nicholas le Spigurnel of the counties of Essex and Hertford, so that he answer for the issues at the … to William de Plessetis of the bailiwick of Selewode co. Somerset, which he formerly held during pleasure and …
Displaying 151 - 160 of 55573