
Displaying 51 - 60 of 79
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… See Scarcity. Fanecourt, Gerard son of Helias de, 647. Fangfoss, Fangfosshe [co. York], 25. Fangfosse, Peter de, …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV
… Falstolf, John, knight, 547, 6223. Fanges. See Vang. Fangfoss, Fangefosse [co. York, E. Riding], manor, 461, 503. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… Fanch, William, of St. Albans, 1323. Fancote. See Falcott. Fangfoss, Fangfosse [co. York, E. Riding], 1156. Fanne, John, …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… (57); ii. 331 (21): g. 332 (79). -, Ralph, ii. 712 xv. Fangfoss (Spittle Fangfosse), Yorks., i. g. 718 (4); ii. g. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… 110. Fanecourt, Elias de, 130. -, John son of John, 130. Fangfoss, co. York, 211. Fareburn. See Fairburn. Fareham, co. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… 29. Fancilloun, Robert, 570. Fanecourt, Geoffrey de, 135. Fangfoss, co. York, 413, 500. Fanne, Geoffrey atte, 226. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… of Gelderland, 38. Fane, James, 146. Fange. See Vange. Fangfoss, Fankesfosse [co. York], 245. Fanherpe, Arnald, foreign webber, of London, 363. Fankesfosse. See Fangfoss. Fardell, Richard, 505. Fareham, North, Northfarham …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
Displaying 51 - 60 of 79