
Displaying 101 - 110 of 725
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… and Minion. 1560/1, Jan. 20. To follow the Admiral's assignment of ships and proceed therein to sea, keeping as … is to advertise the Admiral. Endorsed :20 Jan. 1560. Cecil's draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 366. In extenso.] 819. Sir Walter … : Leche, Saiger, Hendley, Michael Close. With White's defence. Leche, Saiger, and Hendley are bound over in 20 l. …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… bien cheps vous : vostre hesn [an] m'est venu veoir. Il s'en retorne, ayamt touch iij cff de finamses d'unne ramte. … Vulcan. La Royne m re.Le soucy : la sauge : le sypr s. La Royne regniante.La panse. Monsieur.Le loryer : la … by the Queen to Parliament. 4. The petition for the Duke's pension to be submitted to Parliament. 5. The petition for …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… next, but Robert Scott has stayed him with Mr.Richard's homecoming.From Edinburgh, 8 July, 1589. 1 p. 899. Henry … Garter (being an officer of arms) is under your lordship's government in the absence of the Earl of Shrewsbury, to … very much heated and infected, they appraise it at 30 s. a quarter.19 July 1589. Copy. 1 p. 902. Sir Francis …
Bristol Town Duties
… any town in England, and it so continued during the King's life, who dying in 1087, his son William, surnamed Rufus, … near kinsman of the King, and General of his Highness's Army in France.' Some time after this, Robert Fitz Hamon … of Walter Hervy, for Philip Tyverton, which William Fauconer now holds 0 13 Of the tenement of Roger Cantok, for …
The Aldermen of the City of London
… of Sir Stuart Knill, at whose death Sir T. Crosby's predecessor in Langbourn (Sir J. Savory) was translated to … (481)] March 8; enrolled November 21, 1407. 1402 3 Thomas Fauconer, Mercer Coleman Street, 1402-14, Cheap, 1414-35 S. … Grocer Tower, 1435- c 1451 S. 1435-6, M. 1443-4 vice Fauconer M.P. London 1433, 1437, 1445, 1449; Master Grocers …
An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk
… of meadow. It was valued together with Tofts, in Stigand's time, at 10 l. per ann. at the survey paid 24 l. quitrent, … Their temporalities in this town, were valued at 74 s. 1 d. King Henry VI. on February 14, ao. 19, granted it to … was patron; the present valor is 12 l. Rectors. Thomas de Fauconer occurs rector in 22 of Edward I. 1318, Ralph Morel …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… Norht' quod de predicto manerio cum pertinentiis eidem S. plenam saisinam habere faciat, sicut predictum est. Teste … de Arnhal' quod, cum fecisset finem cum rege pro xx s. pro habenda confirmatione regis de tribus bovatis terre et … supra. Pro monialibus de Ivingho.Rex xxij s. quos Hugo le Fauconer regi reddere consuevit per annum ad Scaccarium suum …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… Porrecestr' quod in eadem foresta habere faciat Johanni le Fauconer, clerico regis, duodecim quercus ad maeremium de …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… Note.) Solvit triginta et unam marcam. Pro Johanne la Fauconer.Ricardus de Ewell' recognovit se debere Johanni le Fauconer et coexecutoribus testamenti Wiberti de Kanc' xxvij. … 3 Willelmus de Northy recognovit se debere Johanni le Fauconer et coexecutoribus testamenti Wiberti de Kanc' xx. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… Philippus de Bocland' recognovit se debere Johanni le Fauconer et aliis coexecutoribus testamenti Wiberti de Kanc' …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 725