
Displaying 61 - 70 of 99
A History of the County of Middlesex
… Ferreira, A., Ferrers, Baroness, see Compton, Charlotte Fetherstonhaugh: Sir Hen., Sarah, see Lethieullier Fiat Ltd., …
Survey of London
… a Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani de 61 Ferrers, 7th Earl 283 Fetherstonhaugh, Sir Matthew, 1st Bt 118; his w. 41 …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… i. Ferguson, , 164 i. Ferryland. See under Newfoundland. Fetherstonhaugh, W., 243. Feurt, Bart., document signed by, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: James I
… Ferdinand II., Emperor of Germany ambassador of court of Fetherstonhaugh, Hen. Fever, purple, see London, purple fever …
Calendar of Border Papers
… p. 161. Fesell, James: horseman, Lesbury, p. 160. Fetherstonhaugh: horsemen in, p. 21. Alexander: to appear …
Calendar of Border Papers
… the postmaster of: 680. Ferry on the Hill: 520. Fetherstonhaugh, Albany: his father dead, and wardship asked … attack his men, &c. (14th Jan. 159697), 240. Alexander, of Fetherstonhaugh: juror, 132. John: musters by (24th Nov.), …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… (7). Ferrybridge (Yorkshire), 625 (3). Fert, La, 685 (5). Fetherstonhaugh, 336. Ficuffino, J. Baptista, 312 (2). -, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… letter to, 503, 503 i, iv -,-, mission to, 503, 503 iv. Fetherstonhaugh, William, Secretary to Governor, L.I., …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… a prisoner in the Tower, 666 (p. 251 n.), 1001 (1, 3). Fetherstonhaugh, Alex., 1030 (2). -, -, his son, murdered …
A History of the County of Middlesex
… Benj., Chris., Sarah, w. of Chris., Sarah, m. Sir Mat. Fetherstonhaugh, Bt., Lever, Messrs., Leveson-Gower: Cath., …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 99