
Displaying 71 - 80 of 14777
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… of Sir William Anstruther, kt., Walter Balcanquall, doctor in divinity, and Patrick Abercromby, esq. Upon question, … for he sayde it was a pointe of unknowne philosophie that fire did raise windes and stormes, and that men for hethe … One Pranger, a justice of peace, did certify a loss by fire for one, who thereupon got a licence to beg money at …
1st March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… made 34 H. 8, entitled, An act for certain ordinances in the King's Majesty's dominion and principality of Wales. … and that he will take further pains to put the same in print. Ordered, Sir A[rthur] Ingram and Sir Edward … The Spaniard has practised to set all Christendom on fire, that by the light thereof they might see the clearer to …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Barnefield 221 FOWKE V BARNEFIELD Walter Fowke of Gunstone in Brewood, co. Stafford, gent v Richard Barnefield of … to his iron works and 'cut the bellows and put out the fire' which Barnefield estimated would have cost him … Did Fowke say 'he would cut the bellowes and put out the fire of [Barnefield's] iron works; and did [Barnefield] …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… Boteler's cause second cause. The business for exactions in fishing in Ireland third cause. Dungeness lighthouse the … and his rent gatherer. This complaint was like a spark of fire in tow; it spread itself all over the kingdom presently. … moving first from the town of Northampton, like a little fire in flax, broke out in every place. The office is …
25th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… 2 o'clock. L . 3. An act for confirmation of a decree in Chancery between the lord and tenants/ Upon question, … to agree upon the report to be made of the King's answer in the Painted Chamber. Answer: this House will give a … Will first relate what passed Sunday last. Lord Keeper, in the name of both Houses, declared to the King to this …
26th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… of Lincoln. Staplers' bill. Tomorrow morning, 7 [o']clock, in the Court of Wards. L. 1a. An act for the better … searching and sealing of the wardens of worsted weavers in Norwich and Norfolk, and for some/ L. 2a. Committed to: … de p[eace] nemy certifier peticions pur losses par fire ou sea. Petition da Virginia Companie committee. Touts …
26th February 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… Herne and Edward Herne, sons of the said Sir Edward, in recompense of the same. SIR ROBERT PHELIPS moves from the … taken last convention about the excessive fees and abuses in the Exchequer. Sir Edward Coke Sir H[enry] Poole Sir … former times. SIR ROBERT HARLEY. He hopes none will take fire at these motions, which he thinks proceed from a zealous …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… amendments, which twice read. Engrossetur. The alterations in the bill of inferior courts inserted by the Clerk's man at … of coals not to be discerned by search but only by the fire. No complaint made to the Lord Mayor. For the consent, … have pensions. Upon question, this patent a grievance both in the creation and execution. The draft of the petition read …
27th February 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… f. 10] Veneris , 27 0 Februarii SIR EDWARD GILES moves in the behalf of Sir John Eliot, who has a trial, to make … general tie of secrecy here among ourselves, which wanting in no council but this. Again to petition his Majesty for the … good to advertise us. SIR ROBERT PHELIPS is glad this fire is struck. He now believes that our intentions are …
2nd April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… of the manor [ blank] Stratford. SIR HENRY POOLE. A bill in this House that concerns Lord Danvers. Desires to have a … L. 1. An act for the settling of the manor of Goodnestone in the county of Kent. SIR EDWARD COKE reports the bill of … trade. 6 particular effects show the badness of trade. 1. In matter of cloth, the staple commodity of the kingdom. …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 14777