
Displaying 111 - 120 of 34299
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… convent shall come first, for a just price. Witnesses : Nicholas de Molis, Robert de Punchardun, Henry de Harnhull, … before them by the king's writ of right between him and Nicholas Scrippe and Agnes his wife, touching a messuage in … of William de Monte Canisio. Guy de Brion. Peter Braunche. Nicholas de Cantilupo. April 17. Merton. Stephen Baucean. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Edward having borrowed the same as aforesaid. Grant to Nicholas, nephew of Master Nicholas, chamberlain of the pope, who has renounced a yearly … Notification to the pope of the appointment of Master Nicholas de Plimpton, king's clerk, papal sub-deacon and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Mariscis, William de Mariscis, Jordan de Mariscis, Nicholas de Dunhevet, Richard de Wigornia, Robert de Sancto …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Jan. 6. Westminster. Appointment, during pleasure, of Nicholas de Molis to keep the castle of Dover with the Cinque … Ports. Notification to Roger de Northwode that the said Nicholas will be at Dover on this instant Friday after the … bailiffs of Sandwich to be of counsel and aid to the said Nicholas in taking wines in the port of Sandwich for the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Richard de Twengham, Robert de Sele, William de Tyleford, Nicholas Togod, Robert Fareman, William le Charpenter of … by the counsel of the magnates of the council, of Nicholas de Haudlou to keep the bishopric of Winchester with … the bishopric. Dec. 25. Westminster. Promise to the said Nicholas, who has taken the keeping much against his will to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… with John sealed with the seal of Walter. Witnesses :Sirs Nicholas de Turri, William de Grey, Wibert de Kancia, Walter … for other purprestures, and a place in the parish of St. Nicholas late of Ralph the chaplain, and a curtilage near … to provide jurors. The like of Robert de Brus and Nicholas de Haudlo to hear and determine at St. Martin le …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… provided by the king and the said magnates. Mandate to Nicholas de Molis to deliver the castle to him by chirograph … Ports have been committed to Richard de Grey. Mandate to Nicholas de Molis to deliver the ports to him. Mandate to the … Licence to elect for the dean and chapter of Kildare; by Nicholas de Daren' and Stephen de Daren' coming to the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… commanded to provide jurors. June 8. Merton. Commission to Nicholas de Haudlo, guardian of the bishopric of Winchester, … who threw down a stank of Robert de Sancto Edmunds and Nicholas Chyldman, in Nuneham. July 14. Westminster. … to the bishops of Bangor and St. Asaph's were delivered to Nicholas le Waleys and Guy, envoys of the king, to be taken …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for this sum together with Peter Bordun, Adam Bordun, Nicholas Fleming, Robert Chaucon, Philip Chaucon and Louis …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for another five years. March 5. Reading. Mandate to Nicholas de Haudlo, guardian of the bishopric of Winchester, … le Balister and Richard de Vernun, king's serjeants, and Nicholas, usher of the wardrobe, bearers of these presents, … his keeping of the moneys of Aymer, the king's brother, by Nicholas, usher of the wardrobe and his fellows, the bearers, …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 34299