
Displaying 111 - 120 of 18778
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… du Val for receiving Andrew du Val, who abjured the islands of Gereseye and Gerneseye, for divers larcenies, … he is charged there, and of his abjuration of those islands. By K. and like petition. The like to Scolastica de … the death of a boy there, and of her abjuration of those islands. By K. and like petition. The like to Benedicta …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… justices to go on eyre for common pleas this term in the islands of Gernereye, Jereseye, Serk and Aurneye, and to hear … directed to knights, free men and others of those islands. The like to Otto de Grandisono, keeper of those islands, or the persons supplying his place. March 25. St. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… supplying the place of Otto de Grandisono, keeper of the islands of Gerneseye and Gereseye, which came before the … in his custody : and pardon of his abjuration of the said islands for the same. By p.s. Dec. 4. Burstwick. The like to … of the said trespasses and of his abjuration of the above islands. By p.s. Dec. 8. Burstwick, Mandate to Coppus Cotenne …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Peverel, on complaint by William le Poer, coroner in the islands of Sullye which belong to the county of Cornwall, … that whereas he went to le Vale and Treseau in those islands to enquire touching homicides and other felonies, and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… his brothers and a multitude of malefactors came to those islands and carried away his goods, arrested his men and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… for one year, for Alan, bishop of Sodor, going to the islands of Inchegal on visitation, and his men. By K. on the … of Gereseye, to whom Otto de Grandisono, keeper of the islands of Gerneseye and Jereseye, granted for the life of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… their abjuration of the island of Gernereye and the other islands adjoining for the death of Joan Florisent, provided … of J. de Benstede. The like for the same in the islands of Gereseye and Gerneseye. Oct. 14. Westminster. … Notification to Otto de Grandisono, keeper of the islands of Gereseye and Gerneseye, or the person supplying …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 18778