
Displaying 1 - 10 of 195
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells
… men at Wrentich (for which they shall have their food [ gestum suum] at Christmas), for all service. After the death …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… of the year as other free tenants and neifs, and had a gestum every year on Christmas day of the dean and chapter in … approves and confirms the same, saving his said common and gestum which the dean and chapter hereby grant and confirm, …
Court of common pleas: The National Archives, CP40
… Richard S. unjustly detains a certain book called the 'Gestum Romanorum' worth 40s which he gave to RS for safe …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… et firmum habituros quicquid per vos nomine nostro factum gestum sive concessum fuerit in premissis vel aliquo …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… commissarios nostros, octo, septem, et sex eorum, actum, gestum sive factum fuerit in premissis, seu aliquo …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… habens quicquid in eo mihi demandando ..... ordine gestum est." Thanks him, as the protector of the order. Their …
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells
… 136, 138, 140. official of bishop Roger, 79. obit of, 110. Gestum, Christmas feast called, 275, 286, 288, 329, 331335, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… 414. forser, 45. gaudies, 476. gavilpeny, 434. gestum, 358. gipser, gypser, 45, 56. gite, 56. graywerk, 193. …
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells
… upon Mr. Birch's Catalogue), p. 292. An Account of the gestum or Christmas feast at North Curry (extracted from a … a manorial officer several times mentioned, or even for gestum, the Christmas feast and drinking, unless this should …
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells
… sale of lands he shall grat to no one the custom called gestum, or the great trees of their groves. Dated the chapter …
Displaying 1 - 10 of 195