
Displaying 31 - 40 of 57687
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… others on behalf of the king of Scots, having viewed the lands to be assigned according to the said form, and made … think most fit, shall faithfully extend and appraise the lands by the oath of themselves and of the two appointed on …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Bartholomew Peche and Joan de Gorges to the custody of the lands of Ralph de Gorges and Ellen his wife ; and writ de … [and John de Gereseye cancelled] to the custody of all the lands and castles late of Walter de Lacy in Ireland, to … Godarvill, whom the king has sent to Ireland to keep the lands of Walter de Lacy, a fixed sum at the Exchequer of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… shall appoint in his place, to extend the king's demesne lands and manors in the county of Chester ; and mandate to … shall use all the liberties and free customs in his other lands of Wales which his predecessors justly had therein … that if the conquests made by his brother G. in the lands of Kardigan and Kaermerdin be of the value of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Ireland and to extend and assess with him the waste lands of Connaught and elsewhere, and with him and Walter de Godarvill to recall the king's lands and rights which have been alienated, so far as the … and other barons and lieges of the king seisin of their lands seized since the time that war arose between King John …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of John de Plessetis to the custody of two parts of the lands late of John Byset and of Ela and Isabel, two of his … messengers, the bearer of these letters, possession of the lands of the lands of the bishopric, and to cause the tenants to be …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king or the king's justices or other bailiffs touching lands and possessions in England, in order that by their default, the possessions or lands sued against them may be more easily recovered, or … scarcely or only with great difficulty, to defend their lands and possessions or sue their right against others, they …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… same; if L. king of France, will restore to the king the lands late of Savary de Malo Leone, which he seized during … the king for the issues thereof since he seized the lands. [ Fdera.] To the same. Know that on this present … Hugh de Lezinan, to grieve the king's enemies in the said lands as far as they can. July 4. Saintes. Grant for life to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… will not do this he shall take into the king's hands their lands and other goods there. Protection, from Easter, in the … of the king's gift. And grant to him that if he lose his lands by reason of the king's service, the king will give him 60 pounds of Bordeaux yearly, if his lands are worth so much, until he recover them or the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Nov. 27. Westminster. To Geoffrey de Langele. Of the lands late of H. earl of Arundel which were in the king's … to John son of John son of Alan, taking care that the lands given in marriage of the said inheritance are included … Hereford, Salop and Southampton to give him seisin of the lands belonging to the said abbey, which were taken into the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… against him and he has been disseised of certain lands in Ireland by an action of William Croc, who says that … commands the justiciary to reseise the said Richard of all lands whereof he was disseised, whether by judgment of the … to permit Gumbald de Fonganant to hold the houses and lands and vineyards which were adjudged to him before the …
Displaying 31 - 40 of 57687