
Displaying 481 - 490 of 14356
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Mitford Crowe for the Government of Barbados, etc. Cf. C.S.P. 1702. Nos. 591.i., 472, and 1699. No. 382. Add: With the … Oct. 1. 507. Answer of Alexander Skene to charges ( cf. C.S.P. Aug. 13, 1705). No complaints were made against him in Barbados. He took the usual fees, 5 s. licence for a ship to sail, 12 s. 6 d. for a petition. He …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… to gain our Indians notwithstanding the Govr. of Canada's protestations to me of the contrary; while I was at Albany … future, and I hope next year when I have received the King's present that I shall fix what I have now begun on such a … loaded with a vast number of trees, many of them about a yard and a half about, 6ft. from the ground. Timber grows …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Midsummer to Michaelmas, and request payment of quarter's salaries now due. v. Journal. [ C.O. 389, 37. pp. 356, … for Trade and Plantations your letter of yesterday's date inclosing the copy of one from Mr. Gulston, Contractor … Geo. Burrington. 2 pp. [ C.O. 5, 309. No. 4.] Oct. 9. Goodman's Fields. 338. Thomas Gainsborough to John Potts. …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… from committee that Peter Gordon should be paid 13 l. 7 s. 1 d. for arrears of one years provisions for himself and … of the 1500 l. sola bills paid away without Mr. Oglethorpe's endorsement, has been applied in discharge of the said sola … 1000 yards of the best osnabrigs at 8 d. sterling a yard, he has written to George Seaman for that purpose, and …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… sent out in August 1669, at a cost of 3,200 l. 16 s. 6 d. (55), viz., the Carolina, Henry Brayne, master; the … remained at the Bermudas many years after Governor Sayle's death. The original or first set of the Fundamental … at Jo. Lindupp's, at the Bunch of Grapes, in Ship Yard, by Temple Bar (282). Newington says all the news he can …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… but thought it his duty first to put them in his Lordship's possession. The first informs, of his Majesty's increasing revenue here, and how it is exceeded by its … merchant, at Jo. Lindupps, at the Bunch of Grapes in Ship Yard, by Temple Bar. All the news he can write is that one …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 1675 September 1675 Sept. 1. Adjourned, at his Excellency's desire, to Tuesday next come 3 weeks, most of the Assembly … few negroes that ran to Sir Charles at St. Christopher's for protection and chose again their English masters, the … and the timber and planks unloaded in his Majesty's yard at Deptford; it is very good of its kind, and comes …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 222.] Sept. 5. St. Jago de la Vega. 1236. Sir Thomas Lynch's speech to the Assembly of Jamaica. Many congratulations on … prosperous state of the Colony. Much dwelling on the King's gracious favour in abridging himself of his prerogative … Mingham's mate was dismissed, and Wild's hoisted up to the yard-arm and three times ducked, with a gun fired over his …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… appointed to examine the accounts of Colonel Salter's regiment made their report. Orders for the payment of the … restraining excessive impressment of men by the King's officers. [ Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XII., pp. 211215.] Sept. … for five hundred recruits for the Duke of Bolton's regiment in the Leeward Islands, on board the men-of-war …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… accept office having already much espoused Lord Baltimore's interest. Signed. Micaiah Perry. p. Within. A second letter … Protestants. p. Annexed, 1,765. I. Copy of Lord Baltimore's list of Councillors for Maryland with marks against the … Fourteen names, nine of them either in Lord Baltimore's or Governor Copley's lists. 1 p. [ Board of Trade. …
Displaying 481 - 490 of 14356