
Displaying 51 - 60 of 147
Journal of the House of Commons
… Volume 1 02 April 1624 Veneris, 2 Aprilis, 1624 Stratford's Estate. Stratford. L. 1. AN Act for the Establishing of the … to my Lord Davers. Earith, &c. L. 1. Earith and Plumsted. Goodneston Manor. L. 1. An Act for the Settling of the Manor of Goodneston, in the County of Kent. - Concealments. Sir Edw. …
Journal of the House of Commons
… complained of for training Youth in Popish Religion. Heron's Patent. Mr. Noy reporteth the Bill against H. Heron's Letters Patents, without Amendments. L. 3a. An Act for … Engeham. L. 3a. - An Act for Assuring of the Manor of Goodneston. Upon Question, passed. Merchant Adventurers. Sir …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Writs : - Friday next: And all to have Voice. Clarke's Estate. L. 3. An Act to enable Sir Fran. Clarke to make … of Trade: - on Saturday next, Exchequer Chamber. Heron's Judgment. Mr. Noy reporteth the Bill for Confirmation of a … L. 3. An Act for the Settling and Assuring of the Manor of Goodneston, and other Lands of Sir Edw. Engeham, Knight: - …
Journal of the House of Commons
… informed that Mr. Goodwin, from the office of His Majesty's Mint, attended at the door, he was called in; and at the … passed in the 46th and 54th years of his late Majesty's reign, relating to the Northern Lighthouses: And that Mr. … accepted the office of Steward or Bailiff of His Majesty's three Chiltern Hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Bonenham, …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Returns of the Fees, Profits and Emoluments of the King's Proctor for the years 1826, 1827 and 1828:-of the Fees, Profits and Emoluments of the King's Advocate, in virtue of his office, in the years 1826, 1827 … City Marshalsea, Sheriffs' Prison, Saint Sepulchre's Manor Court, and Saint Donore's Manor Court, in the City of …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Put to the Question, and Expedited. Sir Edward Engham's Bill. Hodie 1 a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the settling and assuring of the Manor of Goodneston, and other Lands of Sir Edward Engham, Knight. … An Act for the settling and assuring of the Manor of Goodneston, and other Lands of Sir Edward Engham, Knight. Put …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Kensington. Ds. Grey de Werke. Assuring Sir Henry James's Lands to Lumley, Woodroffe and Cropley. HODIE 3 a vice … 8 a, An Act for the settling and assuring of the Manor of Goodneston, and other Lands of Sir Edward Engeham, Knight. … of the Clock, in the Painted Chamber. Bishop of Norwich's Accusation. They have not yet resolved of a Time for the …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Cancellarius. Ds. Camden, Prses. March. Stafford, C. P. S. Dux Richmond. Dux Devonshire. Dux Queensberry. Dux … of an Act, passed in the Fifth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for repairing and widening several Roads leading … Tomorrow, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, in the Prince's Lodgings near the House of Peers; and to adjourn as they …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Bristol. Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius. March. Stafford, C. P. S. March. Buckingham. Comes Stamford. Comes Hopetoun. Comes … Tomorrow, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, in the Prince's Lodgings, near the House of Peers; and to adjourn as they … to the Turnpike Road at Lamberhurst Pound and Pullen's Hill in the County of Kent, and from the Top of Pullen's
Journal of the House of Lords
… Epus. Glocestr. Epus. Bristol. March. Stafford, C. P. S. Comes Denbigh. Comes Stamford. Comes Morton. Comes … sat Speaker by virtue of a former Commission. Barlow's Bill. The Lord Scarsdale reported from the Lords Committees … Bill was read the First Time. Petition of Debtors in King's Bench Prison, praying Relief. Upon reading the Petition of …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 147