
Displaying 24621 - 24630 of 58260
Journal of the House of Commons
… read; setting forth, That since a free Trade to Germany, for the Exportation of our Woollen Manufactures, has been … setting forth, That the Herring-Fishery is a great Nursery for Seamen, and of great Value to this Kingdom; but the … of the Charge the Petitioners are at; and many Fish-houses for making Red-Herrings have been there built; and they can …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Mr. Cox, according to Order, presented to the House a Bill for vesting the Estate late of Charles Jones Esquire, … Charles Jones, pursuant to Agreements made between them for that Purpose: And the same was received. Ordered, That … in Lancaster, to Trustees in Trust for the Petitioner for Life; Remainder to the Heirs Male of her Body, by the said …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Lowther reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill for erecting Work-houses, and Houses of Correction, in the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, for the Employment and Maintenance of the Poor there, was … whom the ingrossed Bill from the Lords, intituled, An Act for vesting a Moiety of certain Messuages and Lands in …
Journal of the House of Commons
… to sign a Writing, which he pretended was a Receipt only for what they then received in Part, and that he would pay … the House a Bill for enabling Trustees to make Leases, and grant Copies, and receive the Rents and Profits, of the … of East and West Barning, in the County of Kent, for Life; and, after her Decease, to Elizabeth Baker, the …
Journal of the House of Commons
… forth, That should the Duty upon Leather be continued for the time the Act prescribes, the Petitioners must expect … and acquitted, and have applied to the Admiralty for their Pay; but, instead of relieving the Petitioners, they have made an Order for paying all that were under Deck, at the time of the …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Felons. ORDERED, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the encouraging the Apprehending of Housebreakers, … the House to consider their deplorable Condition, and grant them some Relief. Ordered, That the said Petition do … Inheritance, or Freehold, or Leasehold, determinable upon Life or Lives, within the Borough:" And the same was upon the …
Journal of the House of Commons
… who before got a competent Living, are now ready to perish for want of Work; and will fall to the Parish, if not … and read; setting forth, That by a Clause in the late Act for laying a Duty upon Leather, all Leather shall be first … House, and read; praying, That this House would please to grant Leave for her to resort to, and that a Servant might …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Hancock, according to Order, presented to the House a Bill for the more effectual Preservation of the Game: And the same … Esquire was a Prisoner, in Execution, in the Fleet, for 400 l. at the Petitioner's Suit; but the Warden of the … the Petitioner hath recovered Judgment against the Warden, for the said Escape; yet can have no Remedy against the …
Journal of the House of Commons
… made by the Lords, to the Bill, intituled, An Act for naturalizing Peter Garon, and others: Which, being twice … Brotherton reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill for enabling Humphrey Trafford Esquire to raise 4,000 l. upon his Estate, for Payment of his Debts, was committed, That they had made …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Burrington reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill for erecting an Hospital or Hospitals, Work-house or … within the Town and Parish of Crediton, in Devon, for the better Relief of the Poor there, was committed, That … Actions, in their JointStock; and 100 l. per Annum for his Life: That the Petitioner is 62 Years of Age, and has not …
Displaying 24621 - 24630 of 58260