
Displaying 3591 - 3600 of 3715
Calendar of Treasury Books
… what places and in what ships: and also an account of the gross and net produce of the Customs for the same time: and … as above relating to Scotland: and also an account of the gross and neat produce of the Customs since the Union and to … be forthwith laid before the House of Commons of the gross and net produce of the Excise in Scotland since the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… remains of stamp moneys; and every year an account of the gross produce and expenditure of the same. King's Warrant …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… above 2,000 l. imprested to him which he has paid away in gross sums and his accounts for same are ready to be …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… ended 1714 Lady day and 1699 Lady day respectively, the gross and net produce of the revenue in those years, and the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… equitable to make an apportionment of the said expenses in gross and do crave allowance thereof. Followed by: said …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… accounts are passed, [such certificates] containing the gross produce of each branch, the several drawbacks, the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… to send to the Treasury Lords an account of the gross and neat produce of the 12 pence per bushel upon home …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… for Excise. For the Woollen Manufactory at Mussulburgh. 3 gross of pressing papers imported from London in one …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of the Forces in Ireland. Please certify whether the gross deduction for clothing in your said account includes …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Agents or others receiving these Debentures in gross were to give security for their faithful distribution …
Displaying 3591 - 3600 of 3715