
Displaying 91 - 100 of 359
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… Hanniball John Mary Robert Thomas William Halle, Caspar Halley, Henry Halliburton, Halliday, William Hallyards …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… letter of Robert, late customer at Chichester, petition of Halley, William, late Chief Justice of Munster, deceased , …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… letter from letter to information of Robert letter from Halley, Edmund, Yeoman Warder of the Tower Halloran, Owen, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… See Baskerville, Thomas. Mr., a printer Mr., letter to Halley, Edmund, design of, to go to St. Helena to make …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Robert Thomas William Hall, the, (co. Norfolk), manor of Halley, Edmund Hals, Mr. Halsea, John Halyland, Hambleton, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… Hallam, co. Chester Halle, John, alias John Walter Halley, Edm., petition of Halsey, Mr. Halton, Tim., letters …
County of Middlesex. Calendar to the sessions records: new series
… 454 See also Browne. Hallett, William, 243, 282, 322, 365 Halley, see Hawley. Halliley, see Allaley. Halliwell Street, … 341 See also Halcon. Hawkredge, Giles, 59 Hawley (Haley, Halley) -, Henry, 110 -, James, 80, 110, 231 -, John, 369 (2) …
County of Middlesex. Calendar to the sessions records: new series
… 95, 160, 344, 346 -, William, 7, 274 -, [blank], 261 Halley, Robert, 361 Halliday, William, Sheriff, 264, 276, 328 …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… &c. on Ireland on Yeoman of the Guard, packet boats and Halley on Newfoundland, packets and cruisers Nottingham, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1678
… note of pass requested by St. Helena, island of, Edmund Halley's astronomical observations at, mentioned St. Helens, …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 359