
Displaying 51 - 60 of 68
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II
… A plot of land called ‘Tranterne’ held of Henry de Haverington by service of 1 d. yearly, worth 40 s. yearly, …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II
… suit. Caunsfeld. A moiety of the manor held by Sir John de Haverington by homage and knight’s service. Erghum. …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III
… de Croft. Le Waterend. Forty acres of land held of John de Haverington by service of a pair of white gloves. He died on …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III
… life, and after his decease to Michael son of Robert de Haverington, and his heirs. C. Edw. III. File 40. (4.) 622. …
Cumberland Lay Subsidy
… Frisyngton. Mulcastre. Gosseford. Sampton. Hale. Selcroff. Haverington. Neuton. Kelton. Seton. Kyrksantane. Kyrkeby. …
Records relating to the Barony of Kendale
… knights; Richard de Preston, John de Wessington, John de Haverington of Thirneby, Thomas Warde. Dated at Penrithe on …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… inquisitum fuit per Johannem de Hudleston', Robertum de Haverington', Hugonem de Multon', Thomam de Curwen, Robertum …
The Later Records relating to North Westmorland
… Bull holds Kyrkeberg 2s. 0d. Hugh de Lowther, Adam de Haverington, Henry de Witby, and the prior of Watton hold …
Register & Records of Holm Cultram
… 1277 they won their case at Westminster against Robert de Haverington giving them full manorial rights in Flimby (no. …
Register & Records of Holm Cultram
… Gyle, Henry de Karleolo, Thomas de Wyrkinton, Gilbert de Haverington. 1309, March 15; as priests, William de Keldesyk, …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 68