
Displaying 61 - 70 of 13880
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 1d MEMBRANE 25 d. 1282. [Nov. 23. Rhuddlan.] Commission of oyer and terminer to Walter de Helyon and Henry de … brother Richard de Normanton, brother John de Lincoln, Herbert de la Wodehall, Thomas his brother, William Pouger, … le Povere, John son of Roger le Marchaund of Framyngham, Herbert de Baudeseye, and Michael son of Robert le Taillur of
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 31. 1284. Nov. 28. Haverford. Pardon to Matilda, wife of Walter Levyng of Buriton, in prison at Wyndesor for the death of John and … of 1,000 l. lately borrowed from the king. Dec. 16. Cardiff. Licence for the prior and convent of SS. Peter and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… after inquisition ad quod damnum before the sheriff of Salop, for John son of Aerus, to enclose with a small dike … to Robert de Gipthorp, of the marriage of the heirs of Herbert de Salfletby, tenant in chief. Quit-claim of the … in the county of Kent, extended at 9 l. 3 s. 6 d. Of Herbert de Salfleteby, in the county of Lincoln, extended at …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… the king. Grant to Nicholas de Sprouton, king's chaplain, of the prebend in the church of St. Mary, Hastings, late of Hugh de Kendal, king's clerk, … like for : Baldwin de Caune, going beyond seas, nominating Herbert de Caune for two years. May 10. Westminster. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… de Sandwico and Walter de Hopton to deliver Neugate gaol of Walter le Parker of Lexendon, who was put in exigent after the last eyre in … the county of Bedford for the death of Agnes daughter of Herbert de Horton, and has since surrendered. MEMBRANE 12 d. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Normanvill and Gwichard de Charrun to go to the confines of England and Scotland and to hear the account and reasons of W. bishop of St. Andrew's and the other executors of the … Robert de Bosco to deliver Norwich gaol of Peter son of Herbert de Bekerton. Sept. 28. Burgh. Commission to Hugh de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Sandwico and Gregory de Rokesle to deliver Newegate gaol of Thomas fiz la Persone of Craneford, who was put in exigent for robbery after the … of Bristoll, clerk, John de Sancto Albano, clerk, Richard Herbert and Nicholas le Baker of London, and others, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… following, going to Ireland with Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford: John son of Reginald de Strete. Geoffrey le Marescal. Safe-conduct, … John de Thedemersshe, going with the said earl, nominating Herbert de Thedemersshe and William Dunewald his attorneys in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 14. June 25. Witley. ( Wytle.) Pardon, at the instance of John, archbishop of Dublin, to Geoffrey de la Croyz of … Nicholas, vicar of the church of Wycham Breouse. William Herbert and Michael de Enebrok, proctors-general in England … Robert de Meringes. Derby Robert Detheyk. Henry son of Herbert. Warwick Ralph de Schirlegh. Thomas de Garshale. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Nov. 20. Winchelsea. Grant to William de Valencia, earl of Pembrok, the king's uncle, of the marriage of the heirs of … Herberd, co. Somerset, extended at 14 l. 5 s. 8 d., which Herbert de Canne, whose lands are in the king's hands because … : saving to the king the marriage of the heir of the said Herbert, until it is seen whether it belongs to the king or …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 13880