
Displaying 71 - 80 of 202
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… them to elect in the said East Riding 500 archers and 100 hobelers, and to provide the archers with bows and arrows and the hobelers with suitable arms, so that all the said men should … of next Lent, of the array and number of the said archers, hobelers, and other said men. By K. The like to the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… to the king by the men of co. Wilts, that although 80 hobelers, whom the king ordered to be chosen in that county, … setting out, made to the king for the discharge of the hobelers and in subvention of the costs and expenses incurred … the said 120 l. to be exacted from the said men as if the hobelers had not set out, wherefore they have besought the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… of 102 Welshmen, of whom two were men-at-arms and 20 were hobelers on horse, whom the king caused to be elected by the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… be allowed to William upon the wages of the men at arms, hobelers and archers staying in the castle. By C. Membrane …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… to Easter next, and wages for the six men at arms, four hobelers and eight archers beyond those whom he had in … of the realm, should set out with certain men at arms, hobelers and archers, chosen in those counties, to Scotland, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… castle of Rokesburgh and for the wages of the men at arms, hobelers and other men whom he retained for the safe custody …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… himself as a knight and twelve esquires, and with twenty hobelers on horse for the defence of those parts and for …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… for no small time in those parts with his men at arms, hobelers and others, and frequently sued to Robert for that …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… account for the wages paid by him to the men-at-arms and hobelers, whom they shall find by inquisition or otherwise … for the said wages, he having kept divers men-at-arms and hobelers in the castle at the late king's wages for the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… of Winchester, the chancellor, in retaining men at arms, hobelers and archers, to the sum of 47 l.; 1 the king …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 202