
Displaying 1 - 10 of 33
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… Majesty, considering the unjust proceedings of the Infanta's Ministers against his subjects, holds it right to stay this … of Spain. June 1. Minute of the above letter. [ Conway's Letter Book, p. 217.] June 1. [Canterbury.] The same to Sir … made an order that Mr. Bassett shall send to Mr. Burton's house in London certain arms and ammunition by the first …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… and other papers delivered over to Sir Dudley Carleton's clerks [by the outgoing clerk of the Council]; with a … to Sir Thos. Roe. I am sorry [for] that error of my uncle's ambassador, and cannot but wonder at it. I wish it speedily … might; I will never leave him till they be restored. Mr. Hodgekin tells me you showed him many things of the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… delivered out for our service. [ Draft. p.] 5. His Majesty's orders concerning alms-rooms in or belonging to the several … in Whitechapel. [ Added by Lambe: He hath been a Hodgekin, and is contrary to them.] One Brothrenton or … Charter House. [ Added by Lambe: She that first discovered Hodgekin.] One Margaret, a maid in St. Martin's, a starcher …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1670
… the Straits, to be distributed on board Sir Thos. Allin's men-of-war. You are to order for the said service 12 good … by the Duke of York to transport them beyond seas. [ S.P. Dom., Entry Book 31, f. 44.] Feb. 1. Deal. Rich. Watts … Minute. [ Ibid.] Feb. 11. Warrant for denization of Eliz. Hodgekin. Minute. [ Ibid.] Feb. 11. The petition of William, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… dispense with my absence till after Magdalen tide. [ S.P. Dom., Car. II. 394, No. 170.] July 1. Dartmouth. William … assault on James Walker, the King being pleased on Vernon's petition to discharge the said convictions. [ S.P. Dom., … Sir William Cooper and Thomas Stringer, 16 Sept. Vincent Hodgekin, 18 Sept. Sir Paul Neale and Henry Kempe, 19 Sept. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… the Commissioners for the Arrears of the late Queen Mother's revenue of rents, Tenths, fines, heriots, reliefs, etc., to … be duly charged with what they have received for the King's service. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 96. Same … as same at 50 l. per an., loco Thomas Hodgkins ; Benjamin Hodgekin [as officer] to receive bills of exchange [at the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1670
… ship to Hardwich, Surrey, manor of Hardy, John le, King's Advocate statement by or Harding, Dr. Nath. Rich., Levant … of, letter addressed to resident at Herefordshire J.P.'s for, letter to Heretics Herinx, of Paris Herne, or Hearon, … Hoby, Sir Posthumas Hoddesdon, co. Herts, auditors at Hodgekin, Eliz. Hodshon, R., letter of Hodson, John, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… of Carisbrooke Castle in I.W., and custodian of the King's person, passim. agent of cipher for communication with the … with Captain Bethell entrusted with the charge of the King's person fortifications at the castle to be strengthened … letters to Sir Miles Hobbey, Peregrine Hobson, Major Paul Hodgekin, Sect of Hodges, Henry, petition of Thos., M.P. Sir …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… General Index H, I, J, K H. Haberdasher's Hall, London the Committee at Hacket, Dr., recommended by the King for a canon residentiary in St. Paul's Haddock, Capt., R.N. Hadham, Herts. Haesdonck, Capt. John … certificate by Hobson, Thomas, letter of Wm., mercer Hodgekin, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Luke, M.P., gives security for …
Alumni Oxonienses
… 1500-1714 Hieron-Horridge Hieron-Horridge Hieron, Isaac s. Samuel of Newenham, co. Gloucester, minister. St. Alban … of Lincoln's Inn 1694. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. Hodgekin, Richard s. Richard, of Arcoll Parva, Salop, pleb. … Vincent of Exeter Coll. 1595. See Hockins, page 722. Hodgekin, Vincent, "ser.," s. Richard of Giles Arcoll, Salop, …
Displaying 1 - 10 of 33