
Displaying 81 - 90 of 40440
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… or was charged through hatred. MEMBRANE 4 d [Sept. 29. Windsor.] Commission to William de Wintreshull, sheriff …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… or his official in the diocese of Winchester. March 29. Westminster. Appointment of Richard de Grey to keep the … Lichfield. By Imbert Poygeus the steward. [ Vacated.] June 29. Westminster. Presentation of Rowland de Lavannia to the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 14, 13, 12 44 HENRY III. PART I. MEMBRANE 14. Oct. 29. Westminster. Licence for R. king of the Romans, going to … although the king's demesnes are not being tallaged. Oct. 29. Westminster. Request to his tenants accordingly. [ … of the king; so long as he shall be in those parts. Oct. 29. Westminster. Protection during pleasure for the abbey of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… self defence or feloniously by malice. MEMBRANE 3 d. July 29. Westminster. Appointment of Roger de Monte Alto, and … Nov. 12. Dover. John de Wodestok. Philip le Hare. Oct. 29. Westminster. Appointment of John de Wyvill to enquire who … value of 10 s., and who received those transgressors. Oct. 29. Westminster. The like of Henry de Bretton to enquire who …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… [ Cf. Calendar of Charter Rolls, vol. II. pp. 18,20.] July 29. Westminster. Because Laurence, bishop of Rochester, is … bishop of Exeter to do his part herein. MEMBRANE 4. July 29. Westminster. Royal assent to the election of Andrew, … By W. bishop of Worcester, and Roger de Mortuo Mari. Oct. 29. Westminster. Whereas Pernell de Oxehaye has exposed for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Great Seal. After the Return of the King to England. April 29. Rochester. Mandate to Adam de Aston, guardian of the … tenant in chief, to marry whom she will in the realm. May 29. Westminster. Appointment of William de Wilton and Thomas … the oath of the said merchants without further proof. June 29. Westminster. Signification to F. archbishop of Dublin, of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… treasure and other things in their keeping. April 29. St. Paul's, London. Pardon, at the instance of the queen … of Amicia prioress of Romese to the abbess thereof. May 29. Guildford. Grant to Emery Bezyl of 20 marks a year at the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 21, 20, 19, 18 4647 HENRY III MEMBRANE 21. 1261. Oct. 29. Tower of London. Ratification of the estimate by L. king … promise to repay at such terms as he shall appoint. Oct. 29. Tower of London. Letters of credence for the said Henry, … see of Winchester. Writ de intendendo to the tenants. Dec. 29. Westminster. Promise to Oliver With, Richard Randulf, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for him more bountifully in wards or escheats. June 29. Tower of London. Writ of Liberate to the treasurer and … whereof they are not sureties or principal debtors. June 29. Tower of London. Simple protection, until Michaelmas, for … to conduct Beatrice his ( sic) daughter to Brittany. July 29. Tower of London Mandate to the prior and convent of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Protection, with clause, for him until his return. June 29. Westminster. Presentation of Master John de Perton to the …
Displaying 81 - 90 of 40440