
Displaying 151 - 160 of 34984
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… before the king against Ralph de Sandwico a moiety of the manor of Eyneford as that of which the said William was so … de Yattindene to enquire what malefactors entered the manor of Isabel de Fednes of Wendevre when it was in the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… rumour of the death of William de la Launde, who held the manor of Meandon in chief, the king gave him the said manor which is extended at 103 s.; the king wills that he …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Grey, who held in chief, so that he have the capital manor which belonged to the said Richard, whether it be the manor of Sandiacre or another, if it amount to the said sum; … Ellis de Rabaeyne of all the king's right and claim in the manor of Affincton which Henry II. demised to William le …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… tenant in chief, was enfeoffed conjointly with him of the manor of Renham, co. Essex, when he first had seisin by grant … touching the behaviour of Robert le Eyr, bailiff of the manor of Wodestok, for the time he held that office by …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… by the hands of the prior of Bernewell of the farm of the manor of Cestreton which the prior holds of the king at fee … Bermundeseye, and the prior and monks there of his whole manor of Chaure with the advowson of the church of that town … the said John de Burgo, to the prior and monks of the said manor and advowson; also of a grant by William de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and Aulton of the same time, and for the issues of the manor of Fekeham for the twenty-third and twenty-fourth … 50 marks are required of Peter de Chavent by reason of the manor of Wappeham late of the said John, which is in the … that William Bastard was lately taken by force by Roger de Horne and others against his will to Wimerenge to carry off …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… two years ago the king granted to Roger de Leyburn the manor late of Robert de Ferrariis of Stanford with the advowson of the church of that manor, whereby he, in the late voidance of the church, … it is certain that Roger ought to present in right of the manor which is in his hands. May 29. Westminster. Mandate to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Whereas after William de Hastencot surrendered his manor of Lidham, which he held of the king in chief, into the … the king granted to him, in compensation for his said manor, 20 l. a year wherein the said prior is bound to the … William de Faukeham and Lora, his wife, the keeping of the manor of Crofton which pertains to them as the king has …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… by force the goods of Walter, archbishop of York, at his manor of Extildesham, and beat his tenants of that manor, and to attach those whom they find by the inquisition … and J. de Reyg[ate] to make enquiry as above touching the manor of Extildesham and to do full and swift justice for the …
Displaying 151 - 160 of 34984