
Displaying 3101 - 3110 of 3154
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… about providing victuals in that kingdom for the fleet or any squadron of it. [ H.O. Letter Book ( Secretary's) 2, … report, killed him, and routed his whole army of 10,000 or 12,000 men, with but few lost on their side. The French … You are to give order that the outlawries against John Hussey, gentleman, be not reversed, until he has given …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… in case the enemy undertake anything during the winter, or before, in the neighbourhood of the Meuse. [ Ibid., No. … as their first governor. Referred to the Attorney or Solicitor-General. [ S.P. Dom. Petition Entry Book 1, p. … gent., to be ensign of the company whereof Captain Joseph Hussey is captain in the same regiment. [ Ibid., p. 73.] Oct. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… Wheeler, knight, to be Commanderin-Chief, upon the death or in the absence of Col. John Foulkes [ H.O. Military Entry … for hay, straw, and lodgings, and that, many times, five or six of the soldiers have lodged in a house and taken the … and embark for Flanders; for Mrs. Elizabeth Eaton; Mary Hussey, and Adam Bennet, her servants, to go to Harwich and …
Statutes of the Realm
… from every Person Spirituall and Temporall of what Estate or Degree soever hee or they be which said Rates or Assesments shall be taxed … Richard Bingham William Lawrence Will[ia]m Weston Robert Hussey of Stover Paine. William Fillioll James Gould John …
William III, 1697-8: An Act for granting to His Majesty the Su[m]m of One Million foure hundred eighty foure thousand & fifteene Pounds one Shilling eleaven Pence three Farthings for disbanding Forces paying Seamen and other Uses therein menc[i]oned. [Chapter X. Rot. Parl. 9 Gul. III. p. 2.]
Statutes of the Realm
… the same respectively having any Estate in ready Money or in any Debts whatsoever owing to them within this Realme or without or having any Estate in Goods Wares Merchandizes … Richard Bingham William Lawrence William Weston Robert Hussey of Stower Paine William Fillioll James Gould Thomas …
William III, 1698: An Act for granting to His Majesty the Summ of One Million four hundred eighty four thousand and fifteene one Shilling eleaven Pence three Farthings for disbanding the Army providing for the Navy and for other necessary Occasions. [Chapter IX. Rot. Parl. 10 Gul. III.p.2.]
Statutes of the Realm
… of Profit (except Military Officers of the Land Forces or Navy). Pensions and Annuities out of the Exchequer, &c And … the same respectively having any Estate in ready Money or in any Debts whatsoever owing to them within this Realme … George Childrens George Page Matthias Fletcher George Hussey Marriot Pett Arthur Apsley John Grumbridge Robert …
Statutes of the Realm
… desperate Debts, Stock on Land, Household Goods, and Loans or Debts to His Majesty) to pay; 38. in the Pound for the … thereof; Employments of Profit (except Military Officers or Navy Officers) to pay; Pensions and Annuities out of the … Gould William Weston James Gould William Filiol Robert Hussey of Stourepaine Thomas Bower Thomas Turberville junior …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… person, who has presumed to post up a treasonable paper or pamphlet intitled the late King James's Declaration. He … and post-warrants for Thomas Daly, gent., to go to Chester or any other port to embark for Ireland [ Ibid. 344, p. 487]; … his Majesty's Attorney General upon the petition of John Hussey, praying his Majesty's pardon of high treason upon …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… Captain Robert Galbraith in the same regiment; for Thomas Hussey to be ensign to Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Hussey in … Moise de Pommares, a French protestant, to go to Harwich or Gravesend and Holland [ S.P. Dom. Entry Book 344, p. 445]; … island, together with all fees, etc., which John Stede or any other person had or ought to have had. [ Ibid. 345, p. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… that may be had of the preparations of the enemy at Brest or elsewhere thereabouts, sending me an account thereof. [ … for preventing all danger that may occur by an invasion or an intestine commotion, it is our will that all necessary … [ S.P. Dom., Entry Book 167, p. 273]; and for Mr. Thomas Hussey to be lieutenant to Lieutenant-Colonel Gorsuch in the …
Displaying 3101 - 3110 of 3154