
Displaying 121 - 130 of 22297
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… WARDE 168. [r. 19] ALDRICHGATE WARDE This Indenture made the fyrst daye of August in the foure and twenteth yeare of … saide soveraigne ladye, with in the saide Cytye of London on thone partye, And Marmaduke Franck, Cordwayner, and John … (£10) 10 John Hart (£4) 4 Morgan Fludde (£3) 3 Richerd Hill (£4) 4 Edwarde Poole (£3) 3 Robert Greene (£10) 10 Myles …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… fishmonger, and John Wylde, fishmonger.] ST MAR YE HILL PARISHE: [English] £ s. d Thomas Blanck Alderman (£300) … Raphaell vande Pitt (£30) 3 Fraunces Decoy (£3) 6 Margeret the wyfe of Gillam Curtein, Joane & Margret his daughters and … Silkin his wyfe Harman & Nicholas Duchmen poll 16 Pullen the wyfe of Raphaell van de Pitt, John & Lewes there …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… Brande in landes (£150) [x - Surrey £3 6s. 8d.] 10 Jelbert Hill gent (£20) [x - Herts. 20s.] 20 Edmonde Moore (£25) 25 … Francklyn (£3) 3 Edwarde Taylor (£3) 3 Straunger Albert the Hare per pol 4 Companye The Companye of Stacyoners … the lay subsidy (E.359/52, r. 14). Stanhope was exonerated on the same basis as Dr. Mowse, above. Stanhope was …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… merchaunt (£10) 10 Thomas Nycholles (£10) 10 Rychard Hill lynnendraper (£3) 3 Wyllyam Daunser merchaunttaylor (£5) … wyddowe (£8) 8 John Calcott merchaunt (£10) 10 Companye The Fownders hall (£6) 6 The Armorers hall (£21) 21 Straungers Lewes Raymond (£20) 40 …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… £3 6s. 8d.] 3 6 8 Doctor Atslowe (£60) [x-Essex 30s.] 3 The Ladye Cordell (£60) [a] 3 Henry Townesende in landes … Patten claimed, and was apparently denied, exemption on the basis of letters patent of 1 May 1577 to Thomas … Duckett claimed, and was apparently denied, exemption on the basis of letters patent of 1 May 1577 to Thomas …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… 8d. in Mddx. as Margaret Morgan, widow] 50 Thomas Powle the yonger in fees (£10) [ass. 16s. in Surrey] 13 4 Henry … 26 8 Thomas Johnson (£3) 3 John Williams (£3) 3 John Hill (£10) 10 George Sydgeweke (£3) 3 Daniel Botham (£3) 3 … to Seacole Lane; to those persons in the left hand column on m. 99 next to which the words are written (i.e. Thomas …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… Jacob Wilhelmo (£10) [a] 20 Fredrick Frederigo (£20) 40 In the house of John Feme James Feme per pol 4 Hierom van Asse … 4 Michaell Barret and Marye his wyfe 8 James Johnson 4 In the howse of James Goddescall Uxor Sye per pol 4 Mathewe Sye … (£3) 3 351. John Draper (£3) 3 John Poole (£10) 10 Thomas Hill (£6) 6 John Decrowe (£10) 10 John Laughton (£3) 3 …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… TRYNYTIE PAROCHES [English] Mr Edward Fenner, sergeante at the lawe (£30) [x - Surrey 26s. 8d.] 30 Wylliam Shelley gent … (£3) 3 Niccholas Willson (£3) 3 Clement Homes (£4) 4 James Hill (£3) 3 Richard Thorpe (£8) 8 Thomas Niccholson (£3) 3 … 2 John Massey (£3) 6 Anthony Vas per poll 4 COMPANIES The Smythes hall (£10) 10 The Paynter Hall (£6) 6 [Endorsed] …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… 40 [sic] Abraham Knodder his servaunt poll 4 COMPANIES The Companie of Vinteners in landes (£20) 26 8 The Companie of Cutlers (£40) 40 The Companie of Plombers (£5) 5 [Endorsed] Summa 133 15 8 …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… collectors: Henry Fawx, grocer. A blank space is left for the second name.] 145 ST SWYTHENS PARRISHE [English] £ s. d … 3 Thomas Delacar (£50) 50 Gefferye Elwayes (£50) 50 Thomas Hill (£3) 3 John Stone (£8) 8 Edward Asheby (£3) 3 John … Beaver (£10) 10 John Leke (£10) 10 [Endorsed] Summa 220 11 The second petty collector was Walter Plummer, who, with …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 22297