
Displaying 22491 - 22500 of 75780
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… the King's pleasure,that he went from London ye wist not how,that he was a very bearer of Hubberden and other such … who had missed things urged the sheriff to have his house searched, when there were found stolen goods belonging … much work to read this my hand. I would be glad to hear how Mrs. Anne 10 does in France. Recommend me to your …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… said deputy on the same 29 Nov. went to the congregation house and enacted that no scholar or scholar's servant should … mediator betwixt the ladies and fathers of the said house and us, and deserves great praise. We are loth to … to be there when John Dranner delivered your letters, and how he used me in my own house, you may examine Brickynden …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… the Apostles, and consequently to the Popes and bishops, how could the King, a layman, be Head of the Church of … thanks you for appointing his lodging in lady Garnish's house. He will be there with the other Commissioners on the … with the money received from Mr. Secretary. "God knoweth how I have been handled in the payment." Goodall shall bring …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… a copy has been sent to the King. The Ambassador asked how he should proceed; and I advised him, telling him what … St. P. vii. 599. 713. Sir G. da Casale to Cromwell. Wrote how his brother the Prothonotary had endeavoured to find his … in favour of the Archbishop's liberties, to remain in his house. They returned home, and moved the burgesses of 17 …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Her governess is an aunt of "la Ana." The King was at the house where she lives for many hours, but did not visit her. … that he who had made the marriage, 1 knew not only how to conquer kingdoms, but also to keep 2 them; and that I … Princess and the little one; and on asking him to show me how the King, his master, wished the matter of the Queen to …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… person with whom he had intended to journey, does not see how a man shut out of his own country could have a greater … bought the reversion of the land from Sir John Dudley, and how the auditor's books were examined for the value of the … met at the White Friars' gate in Horforte, at the next house to the gate toward the town. Whatever they took, the …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… you bade to stay," till it was seen whether the house was to stand. My son John, your servant, was then … I sent for my wyf and also for Mestrys Coffyn to know how the had done that day; thay sayd she had bene very mery, … wyf and the message was now more . . . . . . . . . . se how he dyd and also she wold humly sut unto the Kynges …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… him I knew not. As to Commissioners he said he knew not how many were required, nor whether they ought to be barons … . . . . . . . last, where he have continued and doth yet, how be it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . departed the … at Calwich, and taken an inventory of the goods of that house by indenture, committing the custody of everything to …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… informed that Henry Norries had the stewardship of our house. Sir Edw. Baynton had that office of my predecessor … to Cromwell. The following Acts have passed the Commons House:The Acts of Attainder, Succession, First-fruits, … which he will use as instructed. Will immediately report how the King takes everything. Has heard that the King, …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… abbot of Norton, an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that house, for the poor peop[le] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … pleased Campion. As for salt fish, you will not believe how dear it is, both ling and haberden. I have delivered … think he invented this device to get rid of her. Any how, not much wrong can be done to her, even in being …
Displaying 22491 - 22500 of 75780