
Displaying 101 - 110 of 9691
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Moderatours instance, the Assemblie appointit Mrs. Johne Row, Robert Pont, James Lowsone and David Lindesay, to … best to be proponit to the Assemblie. Sessio 1 a. [Mr John Row, Minister of Perth, complained upon Mr Patrick Adamson, … and vote. The Kirk appoints Mrs Robert Pont, Johne Row, James Lowsone, Andro Hay, Andro Melvill and David …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Assemblie. For election of ane Moderatour, Mrs Johne Row, David Fergusone and Johne Duncansone was proponit in leits, and be pluralitie of votes Mr Johne Row, [Minister at Perth,] was chosen Moderatour. [That … Mrs Johne Craig, James Lowsone, Robert Pont and Johne Row should be directit to his Grace to crave that some were …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Townes, and Vniversities. Exhortation made be Mr John Row. Leits, Mrs Andro Hay, Thomas Smeitoun, David Fergusone: … conveen with Mr James Lowsone, Mr Andro Melvill, Mr Johne Row, Mr Andro Hay, Mr Thomas Smeitoun, Mr Johne Craig, Mr … is the common forme of collations that he keeped. Mr John Row delated. That he had not put in execution the acts of the …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Convention,] at whose desyre the Laird of Dunne, Mrs Johne Row, Andro Melvill, Androw Hay, James Lowsone, Robert Pont, … The Kirk thoght meit to direct from the Assemblie Mr Johne Row and Johne Durie [to the Lords] to desyre of them, that … in name of the Kirk, viz. Mrs Robert Pont, Johne Row, Andro Hay, Andro Melvill, Thomas Smei toun and Thomas …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… 5 a. [Forsameekle as commission was given to Mr John Row, Commissioner of Dunkell, to charge Mr James Paton to …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Kirk, that in respect of the inlake of vmquhile Mr John Row, thair late Minister, ane notable man within the Kirk, …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Alexander Young, Mr Archibald Moncreiff, and Mr William Row, within the boundis of the schiresdome of Perth, …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… of Perth to tak ordour for transporting of Mr James Row to sum vther kirk with his awin advyse, with the first …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Perth. Mr James Ross. Mr Archibald Moncreiff. Mr William Row. Mr Adame Ballandyne. Mr Alexander Hoome. Mr Johne …
Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
… presents with our hands. Sic subscribitur, Master John Row. Master James Boner. Master Andrew Ramsay. Master Robert …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 9691