
Displaying 11 - 20 of 118
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… the [Earl of Oxford]. 1576, April 25. Assurance of a joynture, not so much as his thyrdes; iijm given with hir, …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… in the county of Hunt. (now parcell of the Q's Ma ts joynture) have for many yeares past had allowance of xl s for …
Statutes of the Realm
… of the Possessions thereof. 2. An Acte for assurance of a Joynture to Dame Fraunces wife of Sir Thomas Nevill Knight … Dutton Lord Gerrard Baron of Gerards Bromley to make a Joynture to any wife which he shall hereafter marry and to …
Statutes of the Realm
… portions for his younger children and makeing his wife a joynture. 14. An Act for naturalizing of [Frances 2] Hyde and …
Statutes of the Realm
… Vallue over and above all charges and Reprises for a Joynture for his or their Wife or Wives and also to lease any …
Statutes of the Realm
… or Charles Cottington to setle and dispose of Lands in joynture for any wife or wives they shall take in marriage. …
Statutes of the Realm
… Secretaries of State. 3. An Act for supply of part of the Joynture of the Lady Elizabeth Noell. 4. An Act for setleing …
Statutes of the Realm
… the cleare yearely value above Charges and Reprises for a Joynture for his or their Wife or Wives, And alsoe to lease …
Statutes of the Realm
… for the enableing Sir William Gostwicke Knight to make a Joynture to Dame Mary his wife. 8. An Act for confirmeing the …
Statutes of the Realm
… of Longleat in the County of Wilts Esquire to setle a Joynture on a Wife of certaine Lands Tenements and …
Displaying 11 - 20 of 118