
Displaying 71 - 80 of 924
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… 5 s. 6 d.) Every butt of muscadel, 6 ducats or 30 s. Every kersey, 2 ducats. Every cwt. of tin, 2 ducats. Every cwt. of …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… short and coloured very black, apparelled in a sea-water kersey jerkin buttoned overthwart the breast, and breeches of the same kersey, a pair of blue stockings on a pair of white, a white …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Displaying 71 - 80 of 924