
Displaying 91 - 100 of 3045
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Humphy Leary, Richard Allison, Joseph Butler, Henry Killigrew, Thomas Brown, John Davis, Ruben Caillaud, Thomas …
Survey of London
… Mrs. Milton 172656 64 65 21 Sub-let 1725 to do. 5 0 0 Lucy Killigrew 17269(d) 65 66 35 Sub-let 1723 to Joshua Fletcher, …
Survey of London
… 16 9 28' 10" Thomas Pullen bricklayer Westminster 8 Thomas Killigrew 163640 910 (originally one house) do. do. William …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… stop put to it, and your Lordship was pleased to tell Mr. Killigrew you would find some other way for his relief. His … that since he has been recommended from his Majesty by Mr. Killegrew to your Lordship in consideration of his losses by …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… and Tuder being lately dead. Notice to be given to Henry Killegrew at Locketts. Ibid. The like for Col. Cha. Herbert …
Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors
… of the Ecclesiastical Polity." He accompanied Sir Henry Killigrew on his Embassy to France, and travelled for three …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Knipe et al. vide Order [in] C[ouncil]. Sept. 18. Cha. Killigrew [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Surveyor …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Rupert's stables at Windsor : King's warrant. Mr. Tho. Killegrew, 1,437 l. 10 s. 0 d. by tally on wine licence. … Mris. White for a lease of the Pre fines of Wales. Lady Killegrew : blank. Lady Frasier : ditto. Abell Daniel, Arthur … Mr. Thruston, 2 docquets. Sir James Symeon, 1 docquet. Mr. Killegrew, for 225 l. for of his pensions of 400 l. and 500 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… fo. 29. Yearly sum. Arrear. l. s. d. l. s. d. Sir William Killegrew (patent dated 10 Nov., 1665) 500 0 0 125 0 0 Duke …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… favour borne to the Duke and the Queen mother here. Mr. Killigrew has his service recommended to him, and is shortly … well if they accord amongst themselves. Paris. 52. Henry Killegrew to the Regent Mar. [Jan. 12.] Could not answer his …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 3045