
Displaying 91 - 100 of 85166
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… paying him 500 marks which he borrowed from him, the king will not lay his hands on any goods of the said Peter … W. de Ferrariis, earl of Dereby, of the 100 l. which the king gave to Robert son of the earl in marriage with Mary the … for one year for the master, brethren and sisters of St. Bartholomew's, Gloucester. Nov. 20. Marlborough. Pardon …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… held of the castellany, with the new purpresture of the king brought into cultivation and 10 l. a year by the hands … Leodegario) the Chaplain of the chantry in the hospital of St. James without Chichester, with 2 d. a day from the … issues of the county. Signification to the pope that the king has appointed Master Robert Anketill, canon of Dol, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 5d MEMBRANE 9 d. To the bishops of London and Lincoln. The king some time ago presented William de Plesseto, king's clerk, to the church of Eneford, then in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the archbishopric of …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… v Bagge 125 COOKE V BAGGE William Cooke of Thorne, Ottery St Mary, co. Devon, esq v John Bagg of Ottery St Mary, co. Devon, miller October 1639 Ottery St Mary, with the parish church of St Mary in the foreground. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… said church, whether this would be to the damage of the king or the said city or anyone, and if not, by what places … of the mayor, bailiffs and other citizens, and let the king know what he finds upon his return to him. The sheriff … given power and special mandate to J. cardinal priest of St. Laurence in Lucina to provide in his place for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 30. Marwell. Grant to Walter le Avener and Simon Hurtaud, king's serjeants, of the keeping during the minority of the … Master Laurence de Sancto Martino, gone beyond seas on the king's affairs. Simple protection for three years from All … archdeacon of Wells, to the wardenship of the hospital of St. Cross without Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… on assizes, juries or recognitions so long as he is of the king's household. Grant to Artald de Sancto Romano of the … term for the brethren and sisters of the hospital of St. John the Baptist, Andevre. Jan. 5. Westminster. … of Aubrey de Fiscanno to the church of Paycherch, in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the abbey of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… ( Album Monasterium) on Sunday after the Octaves of St. Hilary. Prohibition of a tournament to be held at … to exact nothing in the name of the said grace from the king's free chapels in the bishoprics of Chester, Salisbury, … of the abbot of Cteaux in two pleas which are before the king touching eight messuages, and touching pleas in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Jan. 8. Westminster. Grant to Guy de Lezignan, the king's brother, in lieu of 200 l. granted to him at the … and advowsons of churches if any fall in by reason of the king's wardship of the land and heir of Henry de Hastinges, … Quit-claim to William, the prior, and the convent of St. Swithun's, Winchester, of all the debts due to the king
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… his under-sheriff, to show why he had not before the king several persons suspected of the said crimes and why he … de Tunne, and William son of Emma de Lidel, without the king's special order, and the said John is to have before … persons who have changed contrary to the custom of the king's change in the counties of London, Middlesex, Essex and …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 85166