
Displaying 91 - 100 of 25516
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Poitou. Nov. 3. Westminster. Grant, for life, to Ellis de la Verne of 40 marks at the exchequer of Michaelmas, for his …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 9. Westminster. Royal assent to the election of Agnes de la Ferere, nun of Shaftesbury, to be abbess of that house; … Westminster. Presentation of Aymer, son of the count of La Marche, to the church of Kirkeheym ; directed to W. … and service. Royal assent to the election of Agnes de la Ferere, nun of Shaftesbiry, to be abbess of that house; …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… octave of Easter. April 15. Westminster. Grant to Peter de la Roche of 15 l. a year at the exchequer of Easter, for his … to them in exchange for the manors of Winchelese and La Rye, they may have one of the said justices, when required … Banton, called 'Huntemede,' of the serjeanty of Richard de la Mare, 5 s. ; and out of the meadow called 'Burewey,' of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the said Patrick. Exemption for life of Andrew de la Brach, serjeant of Eleanor countess of Leicester, from …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the said Patrick. Exemption for life of Andrew de la Brach, serjeant of Eleanor countess of Leicester, from … the quantity of their offence. The like to the barons of La Rye of their town for 70 marks. April 1. Westminster. … of wine which he has bought to his own use of Arnald de la Trine and which the latter will send to England, nothing …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… in the service of Edward the king's son to Ireland: Alan la Zuche. Nicholas de Vaus. William de Beumeys. Malger de … le Cu. Henry de Wudecote. Nicholas de Wyndlesleg. William la Zuche. Henry de Harecort. Walter Honurable. Robert de … in a plea that was before them between him and Peter la March touching a messuage in Bristol, to go to Bristol and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Ralph de Hotot, king's clerk, in the room of Gerard la Grue, with Elerius, the prior of Cogges, and Richard le … Rocheford of the wardship of the land late of Gunnora de la Mare in the counties of Oxford and Wilts, during the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… serjeant, to the keeping of the towns of Winchelese and La Rye from Easter term this year. April 10. Windsor. Grant … Alani and Roger de Grangiis, barons of Winchelse and La Rye, to the keeping of those towns for two years from … 200 marks a year, to wit, for Winchelse 130 marks and for La Rye 70 at Michaelmas and Easter; so that they be diligent …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… counties, hundreds and wapentakes. By K. Mandate to Alan la Zuche, justice of Chester, to cause burgages to be … Simple protection for one year from Michelmas for William la Zusche. Jan. 14 Windsor. Exemption, for life, of Stephen … Rupe Forti of the wardship of the lands late of Gunnora de la Mare in the counties of Oxford and Wilts, with advowsons …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… in Cumberland touching the injuries done to William de la Poyre as well in the burning of his houses of Rodecastre … an appeal of rape whereof Jul[iana] daughter of Emma la Lavender appeals Roger de Winemundele : with mandate to …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 25516