
Displaying 131 - 140 of 1290
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… they by their letter of 6 March, 1680, desired the Duke of Lauderdale to represent his case favourably to us and that …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… King at Winchester next Thursday or Friday. The Duke of Lauderdale's blue ribbon was thought to lie between the Earls …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Ormonde, the Earls of St. Albans, Sandwich, Anglesey and Lauderdale, Lords Berkeley, Holles and Ashley, Sir George …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… the Galliot with all her furniture, &c., upon one of Lord Lauderdale's men; has discharged himself and company out of …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Book 30, f. 95.] Dec. 22. Whitehall. Report by the Earl of Lauderdale, Sir John Berkeley, and Lord Ashley [Prize …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… greatly assisted by the eminent abilities of the Earl of Lauderdale. In separating, we will carry to the country the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… especially these two. Nobody can serve (?) the King. Earl Lauderdale has an implacable hatred to these two Scotchmen … instigation. He labours to bring in all persons to Earl Lauderdale as a Scotch minister this week. Ennis told a … Worsley. Yesterday they were sent to to come to see Lord Lauderdale on Tuesday morning. This is the occasion of their …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Baber came to Blood's knowledge. He is going in to Lord Lauderdale, cries him up everywhere. Lord Arlington stands … themselves and be satisfied [with] what is done. Of Lauderdale.That the King said he would venture him with any … citizen of good repute told Ch[urch] Blood was gone off to Lauderdale. Said he to B[utler]?That they said my Lord …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… contrive it so that none besides yourself or the Duke of Lauderdale may be privy to it. But if you think you may alone …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… 36, p. 303.] Dec. 9. Whitehall. The King to the Duke of Lauderdale. Directing him to give order for such guards as he … 2, p. 365.] Dec. 9. Whitehall. The King to the Duke of Lauderdale and the Privy Council of Scotland. In order that … 37, p. 90.] Dec. 22. Whitehall. The King to the Duke of Lauderdale, Commissioner to Scotland, and the Privy Council …
Displaying 131 - 140 of 1290