
Displaying 61 - 70 of 612
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… in the hands of John Dolron, John Blank, and William de Laur', late collectors and receivers of the custom of wool at … to the said John Dolron, John Blank, and William de Laur' in the custom of wool, making no allowance to them in …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… caused to be arrested in the hands of William de Laur', citizen of Bayonne, by reason of the disputes …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… d. in the hands of John Dolron, John Blank, and William de Laur', then collectors and receivers of the custom in that … custom for the use of the said John Blaunk and William de Laur', in whose hands and in the hands of the said John …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… also releases his right in the rent. Witnesses: Roger Laur' of Belegrave; Nicholas de Silyby of the same; Thomas de …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… of wax, 1 bale of 'ris,' 2 bales of almonds. Mark of John Laur': 10 pieces of wax, 1 pipe with hauberks, 2 bales of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV
… T. Cardinall Cantuar; G. Eboracensis; T. London episcopus Laur Dunelmensis; W. Wynton; R. Sarisburiensis; Willelmus …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… Mar' que fuit uxor Saeri filii Henrici arramiavit versus Laur' le Fiz Beneit et alios de tenementis in Camberwell'. Et …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… est Rogero scissori quod faciat habere Magistro Laur' de Sancto Martino unam capam de bono Powenaco, et …
A History of the County of Oxford
… 1843. Bodl. MS. Top. Oxon. c 347, f. 69; S. Pearce, St. Laur. Ch. (1907), 17. Oxf. Times, 9 May 1986; local inf. … Cal. Papal Reg. i. 445; Cal. Pat. 127281, 229; Pearce, St. Laur. Ch. 6. Cal. Pat. 127281, 229; Rot. Gravesend (L.R.S. … 90, 274v.8. Green, Linc. Coll. 52, 96, 7089; Pearce, St. Laur. Ch. 9; Bodl. MS. Top. Oxon. c 347, ff. 323. O.R.O., …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 612