
Displaying 51 - 60 of 64
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… writs. Lawarde, Peter, 70. Lawe, Ralph, 42. Laweneye. See Lawney. Lawennapp, Lawennepp, co. Cornwall. See Gwennap. Lawfare, Great, co. Essex. See Laver, High. Lawney, Laweney, Lawneye, Eudo, 148, 149. -, John, citizen …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… Bench; Parliament; Verderers; Wool; Writs. Laweney. See Lawney. Lawford, Lalleforde, Essex, 88. Lawling, Lallynge, Essex [in Latchingdon], 81, 216. Lawney, Laweney, John, 37. -, William, 24, 48, 312, 314. …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… action at, removed from the City to the King's Court, 156 Lawney, John, 268 Margaret, wife of, formerly wife of William … 36 William, 268 Margaret, wife of, afterwards wife of John Lawney, 268 Margaret, daughter of, wife of Robert Isham, 268 …
Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney
… 899 Lawn, Richard, servant to William Thurston, 668 Lawney, Edward, of Kingsland, 1036 Lawrence Charles, of Mare …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… 185, 191. -, -, -, Margaret wife of, also wife of John Lawney, 148, 149, 185, 191. Radwinter, Radewynter, Great …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… [Holland], ambassadors sent to England for, 196. See also Lawney, Hugh de. -, wheat designed for England taken to, 195. …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV
… on the following day. Thomas Heynes, John Elis and Robert Lawney, all 49 years and more, were in the church on the day …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 2, Henry VII
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II
… by Thomas Broodhook. Wendenlout. One fee, held by Thomas Lawney and his parceners. Teye. A moiety of a fee, held by …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… his wife. [ See f. 301 d.] 15 Kal. Jan. (f. 299.) John Lawney and Margaret his wife, of the diocese of London. Ibid. …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 64