
Displaying 60641 - 60650 of 62307
Calendar of Treasury Books
… on the said Commissioners and their officers and clerks in London and the outports. Ibid., p. 156. Same to the Agents … to employ William Legg as a tidesman in the inferior list London port loco Benjamin Smith. Benjamin Smith as a same in … Thomas Thorpe as a tidesman in the inferior list London port loco John Streather deceased. John Elleston, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Humphreys for a surplusage on their account as sheriffs of London for the year ended 1705 Sept. 29 arising by their …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… account what moneys have been paid in to the Chamber of London on the briefs [for parochial and other collections] … hasten the payment thereof into the Chamber of London towards reimbursing her Majesty the several sums which … there is no money [available herefor] in the Chamber of London and that there is no probability that even a quarter …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Sandwich. Thomas Myers as a tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco Peirce Ogle dismissed. Benjamin Kenton as a … by Thomas Walker and Henry Canby, two of the searchers, London port, in regard there was no warrant or certificate by …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… his office of Comptroller of Petty Customs in the port of London and Keeper of the Cocquet Seal there and also of … to the Agents for Taxes. The Chamberlain of [the City of] London has attended the Treasury Lords with an estimate of …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Henry Werndley: as from 1711 June 24 100 to the Bishop of London for maintaining William Henry Giraud and John Giraud: … Commissioners of the petition of Edward Lascelles of London, merchant, shewing that 540 l. 7 s. 9 d. of Antigua …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… shewing that one Nicholas Goodwin, a money scrivener of London who use[d] from time to time to supply him with money … master. Happy Return, William Lilley master. Anne of London, Ralph Jackson master. Elizabeth of London, Robert Adamson master. Out Letters ( Customs) XV, p. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of the Plantations, of the petition of Humphry South of London, merchant, in behalf of George Liddell and Robert … instances they have received from the merchants of London for a convoy to their ships bound to the Baltic and … Kettleby Owen to act for William Hagley, a coastwaiter [London port], in his absence. Ibid., p. 420. Same to the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of the petition of Richard Warner, Queen's waiter, London port, desiring to resign his office to Babington Stavely of the City of London, drysalter, a well affected person and of the same age …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 50 new churches. Prefixing: report by the Bishop of London, Sir Christopher Wren et al. on the sufficiency of … warrant for 220 l. 8 s. 0 d. to Walter Cox, an officer of London port, being the moiety of a seizure by him of money … to present Richard Borret for a tidesman's place, London, when vacant, he being recommended by Mr. Palmer. …
Displaying 60641 - 60650 of 62307