
Displaying 121 - 130 of 32108
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Roger Joel, John Kene, John Patin, John Carre, Peter Man, Stephen del Chesne, Jordan Bernard, Robert Abraham, John … Fevre, John de Clakeford, Peter Elys, William Bele, John Man, Thomas le Messer, Richard le Gardiner, Richard le …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… no other purpose, the following custom, to wit: On every man crossing the Thames, either way d. On every horse „ „ … the death of Robert Roscelyn. By K., for the poor maimed man who followed him at Down Amney. Pardon to Henry Faber son … binne porte and buten and ic nulle ithavien thet him eny man eni onlawe bede." Of the charter which William the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… were put in exigent after the last eyre for the death of a man and robberies, and have since surrendered. The like to J. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… the last eyre in the county of Berks for the death of a man unknown at Ledecumbe and has since surrendered. The like …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 32108