
Displaying 21 - 30 of 82
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… found therein to the sword. About the last of July, Brian M'Art, Arthur Magennis, and Shane M'Brian, the principal men of action in those parts, … is to be taken with them. Offer of service by Angus M'Connell. Sent him to the Lord Deputy and Council, Asks for …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… title to Leix, the O'Connors to Offally's country, Feagh M'Hugh's sons to the Ranelagh and Glynns. "In Connaught they revive the title of M'William, and the other usurped Irish names, to cut and … is a Scot, and dwelleth in the Glynns under Angus M'Connell in the North of Ireland."] The Earl is ready to come …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… howsoever Tyrone should conclude with the English, he and M'William would never accord thereunto unless Sligo might be … it would, if he had health to stir abroad. " Phelim M'Feagh, one of Feagh M'Hugh's sons, being sent for by me, … be less cause to doubt him. Sir James M'Donnell [" James M'Connell "], who gave the overthrow to Sir John Chichester, …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… Armorer is presently at the Court. In the west Angus, M'Connell, M'Clane of Duart, great men in the Isles, Mackcawle of Lorne, …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… are in this country. He is to write to Selby and Angus M'Connell to command them to recall their Highland followers … their recall is a quarrel lately begun between Angus and M'Clane, who is a great lord in the Highlands, and nurses a …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… [Cragfergus] and the three forbidden realms, and Angus M'Donnell was charged to see the King's letters in that part … you to take in good part, etc." 1 pp. Copy. At the head: "M[inute] to her majestie from the K. of Scotts by Coll. … Carmichael and the rest are in readiness to follow them. M'Connell has renewed his lease for the Isles, and, as he …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… ar reportid to yeld yerely all charges borne neerem 1 m 1 li." "They ar in Staffordshire." "All these thinges wer … honour in particular. Newcastle. Signed: Angus. Mar. Tho. M r Glammis. p. Addressed. Indorsed. 528. John Somer to … dearest sister and cousin the Queen of England how Angus M'Connell, our subject inhabitant of our Highlands, has lately …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… to an extreme mistrust of me, as you may know from M. de Gauvespure, Arnault, Pasquier and others of my friends … 2 pp. Draft. Corrections in Walsingham's hand. Indorsed: "M[inute] to Mr. Wotton. 17. [Poley] to [Walsingham]. [July.] … he will permit Maclane, who is at deadly feud with Angus M'Connell, to waste and burn Sorll Bwy's [Sorlebois] and …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… was for the recovery of Sarlebois, brother to James M'Connell, out of the hands of O'Neile, but to avoid suspicion … 15 Oct. 1566. Signed. Add. Endd. Pp. 3 Oct. 17. 763. M. De Foix to Cecil. Desires him to obtain license for …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… incursion made upon Ireland, it is not likely that James M'Connell durst enterprise any such thing without oversight of … Indorsed in two hands: "From Otland vj th October 1584. M[inute] of a letter to the Earles of Angusse and Marre." …
Displaying 21 - 30 of 82