
Displaying 41 - 50 of 61
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Rob., g. 464 (14). Madhurste, Suss., 1913. Madeson (or Madyson), Edw., p. 237, 691, 975, (2 ii.) Madeson, Geo., (2 …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… 37, 99, 182, 2713, 286, 890. Madrid, Treaty of (1526), 99. Madyson, Sir Edw., g. 149 (44). Magdalen, eldest daughter of …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Sandon, Sir Th. Myssenden, Sir John Copledyke, Sir Edw. Madyson, Wm. Willoughby, Edw. Dymmoke, John Caundyshe, Anth. …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Linc., who are able men for the wars; viewed by Sir Edw. Madyson and Geo. Sayntpoll, two of the King's commissioners …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Sir Rob. Tyrwhytt, Sir Rob. Husey, Sir Th. Myssenden, Edw. Madyson, Edw. Dymmoke, Anth. Myssenden, John Hennage, Thos. …
Lincoln Wills
… esquyer, Sir Richard Tolly, Richard alcokson and Robert madyson, with other moo. Thomas Welby. Proved before D., at …
Lincoln Wills
… Sir Thomas Laurence, parson of Connysholm; Edmund Madyson; Thomas Toynton; Alayn Grene; with other. Admin. …
Lincoln Wills
… To the churche warke of Castor x s. Thyes wytnes, Edward Madyson; by me Robert Johnson, vicar; be me George Dalyson; …
Lincoln Wills
… Admin. granted to the executor. The testament of John Madyson [of Marsh Chapel, yeoman]. [L.C.C., 152031, f. 217d.] 2 April, 1530. I John Madyson off Marshchapell, yoman. My body to be buryed in the … that a trentall of messes be sayd for my soule. To Robert Madyson my brother and to hys heyres and assygnes all my …
Lincoln Wills
… To Jamys my sonne [ folio 217 d.]. I will that Edward Madyson of Conysholme and Roland Colynwood of the same and … [etc.]. Thes beyng wytnes, sir John Pormard; Edward Madyson; Roland Colynwood; Peter Phylipson; with other moy. …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 61