
Displaying 731 - 735 of 735
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… to the burgesses and communitie of Glasgow to keep their mercat day on Monday instead of Sunday. Dated the fourteenth …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… of burgh and land that bryngis ony gudis to the mercat of Glasgw to sell or by, doing thar throu hurtyng and … tyll ony of our liegis cummand or gangand to the said mercat of Glasgu wyth merchandyse or ony other gudis to sell … or land of ony personis cummand or gangand to the said mercat, nochtwythstandyng ony letteris of our predicessouris …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… at strekis fra the Cathederale Kyrke of Glasgu wntyll the Mercat Cors of the samyn on the west half of the said streyt …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
Displaying 731 - 735 of 735