
Displaying 15261 - 15264 of 15264
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… and on the road from Bradford to Wincanton. At Zeals-Green is a church dedicated to St. Martin, built on a site …
A History of the County of Somerset
… and occurs sparingly elsewhere in the county. 95. Green Woodpecker. Gecinus viridis (Linn.). Locally, Woodwall, … may have been hatched out on the island. 129. Shag or Green Cormorant. Phalacrocorax graculus (Linn.). A rare … These were formerly in Mr. Cecil Smith's collection. 212. Green Sandpiper. Totanus ochropus (Linn.). A passing migrant …
A History of the County of Somerset
Displaying 15261 - 15264 of 15264