
Displaying 61 - 70 of 9819
A History of the County of Middlesex
… of Hyde Park Corner, 2 bounded on the north by Willesden and West Twyford, on the east by Hammersmith, on the south by … to Acton Green, passing into Chiswick. Stamford brook's western branch, apparently rising near Acton Farm west of … 270 (1921 edn.). Para. based also on T. Milne, Land Use Map of Lond. (1800). …
A History of the County of Middlesex
… a Chancery order confirmed the public use of the conduit and continuation of the rent charge. 74 In 1819 the rector … just west of the Steyne, it was known in 1802 as Trafford's well. 84 In 1831 Acton was said to be plentifully supplied … 2 Nov. 1908. Acton libr., artesian wells, copy of sketch map from Water Resources Bd. [1971]; Acton M.B. Rep. of …
A History of the County of Middlesex
… Acton Social and cultural activities SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES. There were inns from an early date, due to Acton's position on the Oxford road. The Tabard on the Hope was … Acton Estate MS. B.III.1, no. 8, survey (probably 1682). Morden, Map of Mdx. (1695 edn.). Gent. Mag. lxxxiii (2), 556; …
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells
… Acts and accounts 163041 16301631. 1630, Oct. 25."Whereas there … of this church; whereas Mr. William Hunt hath receaved 30 s. and Mr. William Clunn hath receaved 10 s. for two quarters … was Dr. Young himself, so appointed 1616. Ledger G. Simes' map shows a turnstile opposite the deanery gate. i.e. he had …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… 1636, they are derived from Dom. Car. I., Vol. cclxi, and on and after that day from Dom. Car. I., Vol. cccxxiv. … The like. Jan. 26. William Phillips, of St. Bridget's, Fleet Street, London, sadler. The like. Christopher … Scoble, of Quethiock, Cornwall. The like. fol. 18. Edward Lea, clerk The like. Edmund Powell, of Gungrog, co. …
Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
… 1722 The principal acts of the general assembly, holden and begun at Edinburgh, May 10, 1722. I. Sess. 1, May 10, 1722. The King's Commission to Hugh Earl of Loudoun Produced, and ordered to … Chalmers at Kinloch, Robert Bows at Rattray, Duncan M'Lea at Dull, James Stewart at Mouline, Thomas Black at Perth, …
A Dictionary of London
… Baynard Ward (P.O. Directory). First mention: 1649 (L. and P. Commonw. 1.523). Former names: "Adling Hill," 16oo, … Deeds, Harben Bequest, 1600 -1700, No.132). "Adlestreete" (S. 365). " Adlingstreat," 1585-7, in parish of St. Andrew in … 1334 (Ct. H.W. I. 399). " Athelingestreet," 1283-5 (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A. Box 4, 109). " Adhelingestrate," …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Northamptonshire
… contain brief summaries of new archaeological sites and finds which have been recorded from those parts of the … An Iron Age sword with decorated scabbard mounts (Piggott's Group V or 'Battersea' type) was found in 1968 in the … part of Harringworth village. A recently discovered map of the village, dated 1630, (copy in NRO) shows that …
A Survey of London
… version of London Lickpenny does mention silk, though Stow's own copy has simply 'Paris thred, cotton, and vmple'. Nicolas, Lond. Chorn., 263 and 267; and Skeat, … 347, l. 28. parish church of St. Mildred. On Faithorne's map the church is shown on the northside of Basing Lane, and
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… for a licence to print his description of his Majesty's dominions with maps and an alphabetical account of the nobility and gentry of each county and a compendious chronicle of the …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 9819