
Displaying 41 - 50 of 34782
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Robert de Cantuaria the younger of 20 marks a year of the farm of the town of Oxford at Midsummer, until the king … manor of Hollywood ( de Sancto Bosco), which he took at farm of G. de Marisco as he says, and which is of his … June 27. Bordeaux. Pardon to Hugh son of Geoffrey de Morton who abjured the realm for the death of William …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… good men of Andevre to answer to Hubert Hoese for their farm and it shall be allowed to them at the Exchequer. Dec. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… lands the said Guy by licence of the king let to him at farm during the minority of the heirs, to pay yearly as long … Centerbury. Mandate to M. countess of Warenne, out of the farm of the lands of W. earl of Warenne her late husband, to … Halingrat the Balister that if any Jew let him a house at farm or hand it to him in pledge for a sum of money or in any …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Robert de Cantuaria the younger, of 20 marks a year of the farm of the town of Oxford, until the king provide for him in … Mandate to the bailiffs of Andever to be answering for the farm of their town to Hubert Hoese, as they used to be. Sept. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and leasing them to whom he will, and by granting at farm every acre of land of the waste, taking yearly for every …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Poleburn and that of Geoffrey le Tailur, rendering to the farm of the town of Windesore 2 d. a year for all service, … the said Walter. Licence for Nicholas de Molis to let at farm the manor of Kersewell with the town of Depeford, member … receivable by the hands of the sheriff of Kent from his farm at the same four terms as Alfere used to receive it, as …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… which the king delivered to the archbishop of York at farm, of the king, until he come of age, by the same farm by which the archbishop held them ; with mandate to the … the archbishop received when he received the lands at farm, saving to the king the price of the animals since dead. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… abbot and convent of Fcamp, that, whereas he has taken at farm the churches of Philip, bishop elect of Lyon, to wit, … to those churches, so long as he hold the same at farm. Royal assent to the election of Michael le Kenebalton … of the old money 16 d. be taken, to wit, 6 d. for the farm of the king and the earl, and 10 d. to the use of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the whole land in Baunton which he held of the king at farm in the same manner as he received the same and to do his … that value. Licence for Elias Plumbar of Rypell' to let to farm for six years from the Purification, 33 Henry III, the … all the lands of the said county and North Wales at farm. The like of Godfrey de Schidemore to the counties of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… this side and beyond seas coming to his fair on St. Giles' Hill, Winchester, with goods to sell, be quit of all prises … and convent of St. Jean d'Angly ( Angeliacensis) to let to farm their manors of Modengeham and Wolewich to John de … to be cultivated ( hospitari et excolere) or to be let to farm to men of Ireland. June 17. Woodstock. Grant to J. son …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 34782