
Displaying 38161 - 38170 of 38863
William III, 1696-7: An Act for explaining and enforcing the Act for paving and cleansing the Streets within the Cities of London and Westminster and Borough of Southwark & weekly Bills of Mortality and Streets adjoyning thereunto & for widening the Street at the South end of London-Bridge. [Chapter XXXVII. Rot. Parl. 8 & 9 Gul.III.p.11. nu.6.]
Statutes of the Realm
William III, 1696-7: An Act for granting to His Majesty certain Duties upon Malt Mum Sweets Cyder & Perry as well towards carrying on the Warr against France as for the necessary Occasions of His Maj[es]ties Household & other Occasions. [Chapter XXII. Rot. Parl. 8 & 9 Gul. III. p. 7. nu. 1.]
Statutes of the Realm
Displaying 38161 - 38170 of 38863