
Displaying 61 - 70 of 20869
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… in the former place. All the lawyers of the House and knights and burgesses of Wales added to the committee for [Robert] Wolverston. L. 3a. An act to settle Jesse … which the bishops above will oppose. MR./ Bill for foreign pensions. This afternoon, and all that will come …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate, merchant taylor, and Richard Strette of the same parish, woolpacker.] THE … (£23) 23 Cristofer Hande in goodes, xiii li vi s. viii d., and in fees, ix li (£9) 18 Polle Nicholson (£5) 5 Martyn … (4d.) 4 John Louer servaunt to James Gylson (4d.) 4 Crete and Elyn servauntes to Laurence Tyllman (8d.) 8 Godfry …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… FARINGDON WITHIN [Petty collectors: Henry Mathewe, grocer, and John Ballett, goldsmith.] ST PETERS IN CHEPE [English] £ … in landes & fees (£20) 26 8 George Burgoigne in landes and fees (£20) [ass. 40s. in Herts.] 26 8 Richard Broughton in landes and fees (£20) 26 8 John Baker in landes & fees (£20) [x-Kent …
15th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… Carew Ralegh. This afternoon, knights, burgesses of Devon and Cornwall added. Sir Francis Clerke's bill. This … in cities, boroughs and towns corporate. L. 2. An act for the naturalizing of Philip Jacobson of London, merchant. … next, Star Chamber, 2 [o']clock. [f. 142v] L. 2. An act for the relief of divers artisan clothworkers in London. …
15th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… 686; f. 43v] Lunae, 15 0 Martii, 21 0 Jacobi L. 2a. An act for the securing of the lordship or manor of Goteland, alias Goathland, and the tenants of the same under the most excellent Prince … 2 [o']clock, Court of Wards. SIR GEORGE MORE moves for the bill of arms to [be] brought in, or a new bill to be …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… SHERLAND reports [Sir James] Ward's bill, with amendments and provisos, which twice read. Engrossetur. A serjeant-at-arms to go for [Roger] Wood for not delivering in his patent for printing of briefs and
16th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… An act to enable [Sir] James Ward, alias Fermor, to sell and dispose a messuage and certain lands in Ibstock within the county of Leicester, for and towards payment of his debts and portions of his … Saturday, 2 [o']clock, in Court of Wards. L. 2a. An act for the establishing of some manors and other lands in the …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… MYLES Arthur Duck, LL.D., King's Advocate v Gabriel Myles and John Holland of London, gents June - July 1639 Christ's … of office in which Dr Duck prosecuted Myles and Holland for falsely displaying arms at Grocers' Hall and the church … will be performed according to Bennett's intent. He sent for one Knight, whom he thought was an under officer to the …
17th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… [CJ 769; f. 147] Sabbati , 17 Aprilis 1624 L. 1. An act for enabling of Sir John Ryves of Damerne near Blandford in … bill. Monday, Star Chamber, burgesses of Kent, Surrey and Sussex. SIR NATHANIEL RICH. A member of this House sued … the Common Pleas. SIR THOMAS CHEKE. A letter to be written for stay of trial. Ordered. L. 1. An act to restrain the …
17th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… to enable Sir Francis Clerke, kt., to sell certain lands for payment of his debts and raising portions to his younger children. L. 2a. An act for the confirmation of certain lands in c om . Wilts sold by …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 20869